Marantz CD Player


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I have a Marantz CD 63 SE (Special Edition) which I bought in 1995 costing about £350 - I have always been happy with the sound played through Cyrus 3 Amp (1995) through Mission speakers and now new speakers B & W 686s. However when playing CDs they are jumping a lot - tried CDs in another player they were Ok so i know something wrong with player. A Hi-Fi shop said blow cold air from a hairdrier incase of dust on laser - made no difference - don't know if anything else will work?

I realise I will probably have to replace the CD player - I want the same sound quality - so any advice on a CD player with as good a quality of sound is appreciated. I am happy to go with Marantz again - the Hi Fi shop suggested Marantz CD6002 at £230 would be the equivalent. Any comments on what I have posted - 14 years on the replacement would be cheaper - is this because electronic goods have come down in real price over time?


It might not be an actual lens failure or such,it could be a mere dusty lens that's creating the problem.

Here's what I want you to do... please bear in mind that you need to be extra careful in following the steps that I'm about to tell you..

First remove the top cover and then push the lens unit towards back where you can have neat access to it. You may also remove the entire loader, but if its too much for you then don't bother. Once the lens is moved towards back where you have proper access,take a clean cotton (ear cleaning buds will do too) soak in mild hot water (just wet it, not completely ) then with great care just wipe the glass portion of the lens untill you can see the sparkle. Now, spin some cds that were not reading to see the results.

Please come back after you've exprimented this or you can just ignore my suggestion.

PS: This method as advised by one of my forum friend in another forum.
hi, the marantz 63 se uses the infamous philips CDM12.1 transport mechanism that breaks down very often. i should know cos i used to own the 63 KI. in the eight years that i owned it, i changed the transport three times. the infamous philips transport was used by many other manufacturers and those who bought them have also complained about such failures. it is a simple matter of changing the transport. in malaysia, it'll cost around RM300 (one pound = RM5.80). just go to a good technician and get the transport changed. it should last you a few years before it breaks down again.
Sounds to me like a golden opportunity to treat yourself to a new CD player - don't pass it up! ;-)

If you do buy a new one, I'd certainly recommend the CD6002, which I own myself. Or hang on for its replacement, the CD6003.
I have a 13 year old CD63 Ki Signature that had the exact same problem a few years ago.

gently wiped the laser with a cotton wool bud as described above and
all the skipping stopped. The player has not missed a beat since I did
this - only took 5 minutes - so got to be worth a try !.
Marantz CD 63 67 6000 VAM1202 Laser Supplied & Fitted-59 pounds

ebay item: 280375628099

how do i get to the laser ? (i have the same model as you). Is it easy to reach with the transport door open?

The marantz cd63se is a good sounding unit - I still have mine - keep it if you can. I compared them to the newer marantz cd players and preferred the old one. The new one may be more detailed in some cases and refined but the cd63se seem more musical and natural sounding overall. I compared it to the marantz cd5001, 7001, 6000ose, 6002.


Dom Tych:how do i get to the laser ? (i have the same
model as you). Is it easy to reach with the transport door open?

...I took the lid off to access the laser.


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