Mains Plug



You need a multi-pug mate, takes 4 cables but use just 2 of the holes and it will be fine, google multi-plug or naim hydra plug and it should come up, I can send you one gratis if you want?


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
mains cables r us:You need a multi-pug mate, takes 4 cables but use just 2 of the holes and it will be fine, google multi-plug or naim hydra plug and it should come up, I can send you one gratis if you want?

Hi mains-cables-r-us. I see on your site a Tacima mains interference conditioner. I dont need a six way mains block so it is ideal for me. When will they be back in stock? Thanks.


If you are meaning the single plug type they are sold out mate and Tacima have stopped making them, luckily I have 1 left, will add it to the site if you want it. Was keeping it for nostalgia


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Why did they stop making them? It seems such a good idea and at the best price I have seen for such a product. It is half what Russ Andrews charge for The Silencer. I have one which I paid £19, now they are £51.

The hydra looks a brilliant idea.


Not a great demand according to Tacima, I have about 6 of the RA ones around the house, my main hi-fi system has a hydra with black rhodium cable as its the only good cable I could find that is also thin enough to fit in the multi-plug which has quite thin holes, there are other cables thin enough to go in but not as good IMHO.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Since this is not too far off topic and I have decided to start a bit of audio DIY, why do you sell mains cables, various plugs, but not a mains block as a separate item?


Funny you say that as not 5 minutes ago (7.40pm) someone asked me for a silver plated mains block without cable! Wasn't you was it mate? Most of my customers don't want the hassle of wiring the block up themselves as most of the good quality ones have safety scews which you need a special screwdriver to get them apart for starters, then some customers want the wires soldering inside, then you have to know how thick a cable each mains block can take?

Good suggestion anyway I will take that on-board and thanks.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
No it wasn't me! Is the Brennenstuh mains block that you use? Does that need special screwdrivers? I must admit I though wiring a mains block would be similar to wiring a plug.


I have a 6 way one that does not look much but all the insides are silver plated, even the screws that hold the cable down, that one is easier to wire up than the brennenstuhl's as they aren't silver plated although I am getting some 4 way ones done, they are not user friendly to connect wires to!


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
So even if I pull apart a cheap mains extension to see how it works (which I have already done with some other bits and pieces) there is no universal wiring setup like there is for a plug? I have read of a MK wall mounted metal clad socket being adapted to make a two way extension.


There are 3 holes for the earth, neutral and live of course but take the brennenstuhl for example, it has 2 metres of wire attached already so if you want to replace it with better cable the wires are soldered directly to the on-off switch, as you know an on-off switch and a light are a no-no for good audio reproduction so the light and on-off switch need to be dis-abled etc, etc, etc.

Maybe an MK one would be better for you, easeir to wire up yourself. What cable you thinking of using?


If you want the ultimate mains solution Furutech are launching double wall sockets at the end of this month, gold plated and rhodium plated, un-switched of course, use that with a hydra lead and you have a very good set up!


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Hi David. I had a look at an MK metal wall socket today and it would be smart with the Lapp Olflex cable. Plenty of space inside to get the connections right. What is the fourth cable in the Lapp?

After buying a RA supersocket and it making no difference whatsoever in two houses and various setups, another socket on its own is way dowm my list of to dos. I can rewire sockets to my hearts content, I am now looking to start making stuff.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
....I am now looking to start making stuff.

I'll keep an eye out for your build thread.....


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Hopefully there will be a number of build threads to come. I am all set to go with my first project of a cable for my AKG headphones. The last issue is soldering and I am going to get lessons from a friend first.


What is the fourth cable in the Lapp?

there are the 3 obvious ones, earth, live, neutral then the tinned copper brading around the outer is twisted together and wired into the earth along with the actual yellow earth cable then trimmed back at the other end where the connector goes, a faraday loop is the result!

tried for 3 days to get an avatar, what's wrong with me!


p.s your soldering iron needs to be very hot and a good make, cheap ones don't last 2 minutes and usually don't get hot enough!


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Any solding iron recommendations are appreciated. As for avatars, email Whathfi via Conact Us at the bottom of the page one and a magic fairy does the rest.


I use this one, expensive but it will last for years, they have cheaper ones on the site, get a few spare tips as well


@ David - I picked up 4.4metres of Chord power cable - the orange one for a shrewd £50. Wanted to make into 4 or 5 cables and have been on your site (good for DIY) but wanted to know if you could recommend a matching quality plug and IEC connector to keep quality the same? Am told by Chord that the Orange one is the same as the new one which is purple and has silver shielding through the rubber?

I have the QED mains Qonduit extension. Also need a figure 8 connector for my BT Vision box.


hello mate, chord use mk plugs for the lower priced made up cables and I think schurter iec connectors, they don't look to be plated just the standard brass, the top end ones use furutech plugs and iec's, if you want matching terminations on each end of your cables then there is the very best IMO of course Furutech FI-1363 mains plug, rhodium plated or gold plated, then the other end is FI-11 IEC connector gold or rhodium plated, that would cost a pretty penny for 4 sets mind you, the rhodium mains plug costs nearly £100 just for one.

A silver plated mk toughplug is probably a sensible option as its relatively easy to wire up yourself (if in doubt ALWAYS consult your electrician before wiring anything yourself) and the best connector for sensible money is the Wattgate 320i silver plated, they are cryo treated at the wattgate factory now as standard, the next step above is the 350i AG which is triple silver plated at the wattgate factory hence the AG at the end meaning audio grade, most customers tell me the 320i silver plated is a good performer.

Below that but still a good budget performer is the Martin Kaiser IEC (same as RA uses), I silver plate these as well, there is a matching mains plug for that one, budget wise you have 3 options there that will all improve over basic un-treated brass connectors and plugs, improvements based on customer feedbacks.

Hope that helps, I forgot to mention a useful addition are ferrite clamps/rings which help to combat the RFI around your cables which is caused mainly by wireless internet which uses radio waves, your cables act as aerials to pick up all that mess and transmit it through your entire system!

Figure 8 connectors, finally there is an audiophile grade one out that you can wire yourself very easily, courtesy of Furutech FI-8N, apart from that you have to solder one on yourself and its not easy unless you are good with a soldering iron!


I bought some DH labs cable about a year ago and made up my own cables. I also wired up a 6 way extention with the same cable. Relatively easy to do with a little modification using a stanley knife and inside looked similar to the inside of a plug. About november,I bought a brennenstuhl 8 way gang to wire up to replace the cheapy 6 way. The brennenstuhl is still in its box as I haven't managed to source the correct security screwdriver. Apparently the screwdriver is a 'snake eyes' type but situated in deep holes.

I'll sort it out one day, I hope, but when?

By the way, electricity is dangerous and DIY cables may invalidate your home insurance if they cause a fire (but if you know what you are doing, they probably won't, but they might!) Don't blame me!


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