Mains conditioners and filters, are they worth it?

Having purchased the Tacima CS929, I found it improved the sound on my kit significantly (akin fitting a better interconnect/speaker cable), adding greater clarity and 'sparkle'. I plugged my TV into it and whilst initially the image was awful it quickly settled after warming up.

Depending on your set up you may want to consider one of the more high end products from the likes of QED etc.
It amuses me that you posted this question

I dont care a jot WHAT the manufacturers say. Ive tried loads of cables and filters etc. Without a shadow of a doubt my Tacima, RA block, Isotek Sigmas, Isotek Mira and 'sound fantastic' block have all had positive effects. My Sigmas in particular is an absolutely AWESOME piece of kit and has zero negative effects (Unlike a lot of the cheaper (ie Tacima) blocks)

As said before though, the differences are only apparant if the mains are not 'perfect' and/or EMI is present. I very much doubt ANYONE here has absolutely perfect mains and anyone with a computer (Which must be everyone on this site) is emitting EMI.

Are they worth it? If used correctly then most certainly. I wouldnt plug my amp through a tacima for example, but I would plug my dvd player etc into one (If I didnt use the Sigmas)
matthewpiano:...and so opens the great Sunday debate!!

Well, it makes a change from the usual subject.
Manufacturers seem not to think so, but can they improve the sound of your HiFi system?

The manufacturers know what they are talking about, unlike the usual suspects above.
It amuses me that you posted this question

I dont care a jot WHAT the manufacturers say. Ive tried loads of cables and filters etc. Without a shadow of a doubt my Tacima, RA block, Isotek Sigmas, Isotek Mira and 'sound fantastic' block have all had positive effects. My Sigmas in particular is an absolutely AWESOME piece of kit and has zero negative effects (Unlike a lot of the cheaper (ie Tacima) blocks)

As said before though, the differences are only apparant if the mains are not 'perfect' and/or EMI is present. I very much doubt ANYONE here has absolutely perfect mains and anyone with a computer (Which must be everyone on this site) is emitting EMI.

Are they worth it? If used correctly then most certainly. I wouldnt plug my amp through a tacima for example, but I would plug my dvd player etc into one (If I didnt use the Sigmas)

Seems to me that you are trying to justify your considerable expense in this area.................
Alec Trickle:The manufacturers know what they are talking about, unlike the usual suspects above.

Back again? Nice try...
Alec Trickle:Tarquinh:
Manufacturers seem not to think so, but can they improve the sound of your HiFi system?

The manufacturers know what they are talking about, unlike the usual suspects above.

Er which manufacturer would that be then?ÿ
JoelSim:Alec Trickle:The manufacturers know what they are talking about, unlike the usual suspects above.

Er which manufacturer would that be then?

I don't think you'll get an answer - or if you do it may come from yet another alias...
My mains conditioner made a difference but im still undecided as to wether its for the better or not???
Seems to me that you are trying to justify your considerable expense in this area.................

Not at all. If they were a complete waste of money id say so. Im simply saying what 'IVE' found in 'MY' setup (And my grandfathers and my dads and a few mates).

If you go looking you can find quite a few other 'reviews' on mains conditioners. Ive done my research..............
I have had a Russ Andrews 'The Silencer' for years. It is still about the cheapest mains conditioner you can buy for £50, I paid £20 for mine in a sale and they are always available on ebay. (I had a look at the site and in bargain corner there is a silencer block for half price at £63). I have used it in conjunction with both hifi and TV, depending on where sockets are in different house and it has always made a difference, from slight to surprising. I put that down to the quality of the mains in the first place.

Manufacturers make kit to a price point. The likes of mains conditioning built into a product will put the price up. Since mains conditioning at best only makes a minor difference and many think it is nonsense anyway, that is why such products tend to be 'after market'.
Theres a nice little review in the Isotek Sigmas on the ISOTEK SITE

"Initially, the GII Sigmas sounded lean and
slightly congested; but that was expected.
After the second day things slowly began to
change and the high frequencies improved
considerably and the images started to focus
within the soundstage. However, the low end
was nothing to write home about and I started
to think that this might be another line
conditioner that robbed the music of body in
the lower registers and I would have an
unsatisfactory listening experience.

But after just three days of listening (I used
the IsoTek Systems Enhancement CD to speed up
the break-in process), the low end not only
returned, but erupted with demonstrative
There was tremendous force and
throughput of bass information that led me to
believe that my woofers circumference had
increased greatly from its two 6 1/2 inch drivers to
a new set of eight inch dynamos."

Ive highlighted those parts as thats EXACTLY what ive found with conditioners. They tend to sound a bit 'off' when first plugged in then after use begins to shine. Its why I question the none believers ~ did they REALLY test them? or just stick one in for 5 minutes before throwing it away?

Notice all the glowing reviews down the right hand side (Quite a few from this very mag)

If conditioners truly didnt 'work' as they should then those reviews shouldnt exist
The man from DelMonte says Yes!....and I wouldnt like to argue with a man that puts food on my table........See my gear list below. I wouldnt use it if I didnt like it.

Notice all the glowing reviews down the right hand side (Quite a few from this very mag)

If conditioners truly didnt 'work' as they should then those reviews shouldnt exist

Good post Rick. Those who argue that mains conditioning does not work/makes no difference need to explain how so many people, over so many years, in some many places do hear a diference. Those who say that 'it is all in the mind', or just a big snake oil con are either deluding themselves and have never properly listened/tested such or are deliberately try to mix it.
I believe its all in THIER minds. Theyre completely blindsighted into believing that they just CANT make a difference and so theyve either never really bothered to (Which im sure is right in the vast majority of cases) or if they DID hear a difference they put it down to some weird placebo effect

Im also of the general understanding that theyre all similar in that their systems are generally old/dated and as they dont believe in any of this 'cables' lark then any benefits they might have heard are lost on the cables/equipment theyre using. They also tend to be of some electrical engineering background and 'getting on' a bit (ie ~ their hearings possibly not what it once was)

anyways ~

I would challenge absolutely ANY none believer to fit the 16 core braided mains cable that I use to their amp and hear for themselves the difference they make. They would either lie that they never heard a difference. Admit they had. Or simply never speak of it again
Ok. Im confused

Before I ask ~ i dont wish to get BANNED FOR ASKING if thats ok? Its JUST a question

The link to Isoteks main site I posted has been removed and I for the life of me dont understand why. I dont benefit from posting it. They exist. This very site HAS reviewd them and its even this very sites own reviews down the side. Could someone PLEASE explain what was wrong with said link as its passed all relevent 'house rules' to my mind.

Or has the site thrown some very random error up and removed it by itself? (HIGHLY unlikely but thought id throw that in there)

***EDIT ~ just realised what HAS been removed***

Notice all the glowing reviews down the right hand side (Quite a few from this very mag)

If conditioners truly didnt 'work' as they should then those reviews shouldnt exist

Good post Rick. Those who argue that mains conditioning does not work/makes no difference need to explain how so many people, over so many years, in some many places do hear a diference. Those who say that 'it is all in the mind', or just a big snake oil con are either deluding themselves and have never properly listened/tested such or are deliberately try to mix it.

I'm not saying that they do not make a difference, what I argue is the difference better?

Which I seriously think that it is not in a lot of cases, I tried a Tacima on my Supernait and it did make difference,

but my findings were that the difference was detrimental to the sound............

Notice all the glowing reviews down the right hand side (Quite a few from this very mag)

If conditioners truly didnt 'work' as they should then those reviews shouldnt exist

Good post Rick. Those who argue that mains conditioning does not work/makes no difference need to explain how so many people, over so many years, in some many places do hear a diference. Those who say that 'it is all in the mind', or just a big snake oil con are either deluding themselves and have never properly listened/tested such or are deliberately try to mix it.

I'm not saying that they do not make a difference, what I argue is the difference better?

Which I seriously think that it is not in a lot of cases, I tried a Tacima on my Supernait and it did make difference,

but my findings were that the difference was detrimental to the sound............

I agree MENISCUS and my comment was directed at the snake oil, drivel fraternity. I have no doubt that different mains conditioners have different effects on different systems in different houses. This thread has inspired me to experiment more with the placing of my Silencer. I accept now that I had listened only for improvements and I could have been ignoring potential detrimental effects.


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