mains cable


New member
Jan 1, 2008

i read up a bit about mains cables and am aware this is a bit of a debatable subject in terms of that do more expensive mains leads make a difference.

ive just oredered a clearer audio copper line alpha mains cable to try it out, i was going to get 2 , one for my cd player and one for my amp but ive heard they dont make much difference on the amp but bigger improvements on cd players.

has anyone heard a difference using one on the cd player as well as the amp?

Replacing your cheap mains cable from your CD player will bring improvements to your cd player, whether it's a little improvement, it's an inprovement for the best. Replace it!!! 🙂
so if i change just one do you think i will get the biggest improvement from the amp?

will test it when i get it , but i thought people said the biggest improvement was from the cd player
I suggest changing them both. Combined, they will definitely bring an improvement to your system. Check out Russ Andrews website- he explains what kind of improvements, big & small, you get from upgrading mains cables from your cd & amp.
so if i change just one do you think i will get the biggest improvement from the amp?

will test it when i get it , but i thought people said the biggest improvement was from the cd player

General concensus seems to be upgrade the source first followed by amp

I concur too -
the biggest change with mains leads was with my cd player - quite significant too.



As has been pointed out, if purchasing one cable then it is best to try on both your CD player and amplifier. Usually the most significant improvement is gained from source downwards but customers sometimes find that the amplifier yields better gains. It is also depends upon your other factors such as your listening preferences as you may prefer the performance of the cable on the amplifier (e.g., better dynamics and drive) versus the CD player (e.g., better detail and transparency).

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


I concur too -
the biggest change with mains leads was with my cd player - quite significant too.



Agree with that - don't know why, don't care, my music sounds fab!


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