Mahooosive Data partition on my HD


Well-known member
Like 400Gb worth, leaving a paltry 280 or so in C. Means I cannot upload all my music files into the C:library, so it's going into the D drive. I'm guessing it's so big as I requested a full set of recovery DVDs with it. I have never liked W7's My Folders structure, I could never quickly find my photos / music separate from public photos and music etc. One Tree please.


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professorhat said:
There's no reason why you can't just have one big C: drive.

Not sure what you mean by "I'm guessing it's so big as I requested a full set of recovery DVDs with it"?

Well that's what I thought, bearing in mind I'm no IT techno - I assumed that to burn a set of recovery DVDs (without an external drive) it would make sense to save the image in a partition first, then burn, that's all.

As it happens, apparently it's a Asus "thing" (from JRMC Interactive). Music files are now all uploaded apart from a few albums that I couldnt catch in time, hopefully be able to re-download a couple of critical ones.

I realise now the advantage to the consumer of something like a vinyl LP, a tape, a CD. Your machine is designed to play it, and the medium 99.99% of the time is playable. The challenge of streaming digital data using networks and computers / servers is clearly fraught with a much bigger risk of failure. I guess the biggest inherent risk is downloaded music, and makeing sure you archive or back it up properly.


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Feb 26, 2008
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I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here...

One would usually have all music, photos, video etc on the D partition, away from the OS. Just point Windows and/or your media player to the correct folders to monitor for your library (if you want) or just have a few shortcuts on the desktop to the relevant folders on the D partition.

That system also makes it easier for back ups and easier to maintain your C drive. All I have on my C partition is the OS, virtual memory, system restore and programme files.

I think you can resize partitions in W7 if you want to. (Without using third party software)

Is that any help?

I don't think recovery DVD's will have anything to do with it.


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