MA RX6 vs Spendor A5


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm in the proces of replacing my current Wharfedale speakers.

My budget is around 1000 and will use with Rega Apollo and Roksan K2 amp.

I can get a set of Spendor A5's second hand or MA RX6 new, for about same money.

Which is the one to go for?

I might be upgrading amp and cdp later on, so must be future proof!

Thanks for any repley
I listened to the A5 before getting the A6, for £1000 i think the spendors are good and should give you years of enjoyment even when you upgrade the rest of the kit, but as always you should demo first.
The RX's will be an easier load for your amplifier, as the Spendors are quite a low sensitivity, and will be harder for your amp to drive efficiently. As mentioned, do demo the combination first.
I wouldn't say there's much below £1k that has enough current to drive them properly - they're a low sensitivity speaker, and will need mroe driving than normal. I'd be looking at a Naim 152xs/155xs as a starting point, or for integrated amplifiers, the Naim Nait XS, Cyrus 8xp, Arcam A38, or Rega Elicit. You could try the Harman Ardon HK990, but I've not heard that combination.
I heard the K2 with the A6s and thought they worked rather well together. Not sure how relevant that is for the A5 but it's a cracking amp. Thing is, there's as many people on here that will prefer the RX6 as the A5 so you really need to hear them, even without your amp if it has to be.
The OP mentioned upgrading the amp and source so the speakers need to be future proof. In that scenario I'd go for the Spendors, which to me are in a class above the MAs, good though they are.
I agree that the Spendors deserve a better amp; they are superb speakers though

IMO the M/A RX6's would be a better suit to your current system but if you are thinking of upgrading the CDP and maybe the amp why dont you do that first before buying the speakers.

Both sets do need to be demo'd and IMO I'd avoid the HK gear. Not a good sound at all and wouldnt sit well with the M/A's or Spendors but that's my opinion!

I think other speakers in that range to look at would be the M/A GS20's and the PMC GB1's (if you can find them 2nd hand)

It'd be handy Hanno to know what music you generally listen to and also whether your budget can be extended? Also, will you look at standmount speakers or are floorstanders a must?

I'm in the proces of replacing my current Wharfedale speakers.

My budget is around 1000 and will use with Rega Apollo and Roksan K2 amp.

I can get a set of Spendor A5's second hand or MA RX6 new, for about same money.

Which is the one to go for?

I might be upgrading amp and cdp later on, so must be future proof!

Thanks for any repley

Yup, the Spendors are cracking speakers but need to be heard over a longer period. Some speakers hit between the eyes or have an instant impact. The Spendors are a slow release affect speakers.

If your budget allows, then go for the Spendors. The MAs are no doubt wonderful monitors but I would plump for the best possible speakers your budget will allow.
I listen to rock and pop.

About upgrading, it will take some time before i can upgrade the cdp or amp.
I always loved floorstanders, but if there are standmount speakers which are better for my current system, please tell me!

What about the Roksan K2 TR-5 or a set of MA GS10?

I just want to buy future proof, so when i do upgrade i don't have to change all once again.

Thanx for the advise and options, once again !
i think atc speakers have the most potential, for their price, to get better as the rest of your system does. doesn't matter what you listen too, they replay exactly what they're given.


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