low-cost setup for 11y old?


Nov 18, 2024
Hi all! I've been playing vinyl for more than 20 years. A few years ago my son also got interested and he started buying soms records.
Now he's been asking for his own setup in his bedroom. Because I invested in gear the past years, I'm not planning on going that same direction for his bedroom...
But, since I love vinyl, I don't want to take away his joy either. So I'm looking for a basic setup (player, speakers - even amp if not integrated).

May be new or second hand...any suggestions are welcome.
Hi all! I've been playing vinyl for more than 20 years. A few years ago my son also got interested and he started buying soms records.
Now he's been asking for his own setup in his bedroom. Because I invested in gear the past years, I'm not planning on going that same direction for his bedroom...
But, since I love vinyl, I don't want to take away his joy either. So I'm looking for a basic setup (player, speakers - even amp if not integrated).

May be new or second hand...any suggestions are welcome.
Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers
Audio-Technica LP60X

both can be had on ebay. (Edit amazon sorry) nice tidy little first system

Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 11.06.21.png
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Hi all! I've been playing vinyl for more than 20 years. A few years ago my son also got interested and he started buying soms records.
Now he's been asking for his own setup in his bedroom. Because I invested in gear the past years, I'm not planning on going that same direction for his bedroom...
But, since I love vinyl, I don't want to take away his joy either. So I'm looking for a basic setup (player, speakers - even amp if not integrated).

May be new or second hand...any suggestions are welcome.

I would go second hand. Are you in the UK? If you are patient, you can pick up some bargains on ebay. Look for collection only in your local area, they sell for less!

I would recommend Mission speakers from the late 90s - early 2000s. Something like 700, 701, M70. You should get them under £50.

An amp from the same era. I favour Marantz for sound, and because they tend to have a phono stage. But any well known brand will do the job, just check the specs.

Record players are harder. As even the 80s plastic fantastics are fetching good money as "vintage". But you do see the odd bargain.

Even a modest system of old budget Hifi will. Be better that a "toy" turntable in a suitcase.
Hello, there some high quality sound components not that expensive on ebay if one knows what it is regarding sound quality and enough power for a room,

turntable, how many thousands would be spent in a so bad new turntable that can´t even be compared unless from 2.000€ up , the cartridge if the one suplied doesn´t sound warm and dynamic enough there are much better and try the cartridge 207C from technics and the EPS-270ED stylus , normally when priced over 90€ are very good ,cheaper , the tip can even destroy any record at first listening, but here it is, https://www.ebay.com/itm/155945428292

the integrated amplifier , https://www.ebay.com/itm/204691369326

other that may even be much better and for vinyl it´s better without a doubt ,allthoughthe other is great,

also this would be my choice but always inbetween this and the previous refered from the 70´s, only it´s midi sized but excelent with options that are very handy or rare

if wanting a cassette deck ,
https://www.ebay.com/itm/235059667362. but it doesn´t say new belts ,only fully functional ,

or perfectelly working a sony with warranty ,1 year

option 1, also very good and well know, like the ones before that are sold new, i would choose this ones,

option 2, also very good,

if wanting a tuner, this is a match for the second amplifier and excelent tuner ,i have one for it´s amplifier, 70´s one excelent sound release and fm captation is perfect,

this is other tuner in standart size, with RDS already ,

finally a cd player, (i´ve been buying cds at a litle more than 2€)but buy 100€ including transport, (only several cds)

this last is another Pioneer it might seem equal to the first but as better sound, also only posted pioneer cd players as they are good sounding and reliable for at least 30 years.

one more ,all this are restored and 1 year warranty:.

, this was like one i had that refuses to stop working

cassettes are priced like gold but this 60 minuts more or less, cassettes type II or type I are just well built the casing and tape also it makes the deck work for more years without needing new belts(just a example as cassettes are very high quality sound) if you choose to buy one for your son that seems to enjoy analogue components:.

New used to mean better but evolution is not aplied as technology but cut expensies sell expensive is what most of the brands of new material are making,

as an example i was ofered maybe 3 years ago a Pro-Ject debut evo with a 2Mred from Ortofon, a brand that before the year 2000 meaned quality assured in cartridges and stylus, now with this turntable so well talked about , never ever in my life i heard such a bad sound coming from a turntable ,

i have two turntables from the 60´s a thorens and Garrard both professional line as it were in a radio station in FM mono i started with a friend or two, as there was none and i live in the biggest region of our country, Portugal.

don´t doubt about buying second hand as it´s for sure much less money and quality wise not even quantified of how many times better this compnents i left here the link,

this is a afordable system with options ,and how many wished having such components in their bedrooms.

Hope you like this ones, happy buyings,
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For the turntable I would be looking at a used and respected in its day, Dual CS-505, it even has vintage credentials.

I'm quite tempted to build a budget set up my self thinking about this!
it´s very good was sold with ortofon very good sounding cartridge but dual printed on the side
Agree with others and prefer the vintage separates ebay route - because that might inspire him to save up and try to improve the components over time!

I think there's something we lost in today's instant gratification 'all-in-one' world where you buy it and throw it away a few years later. Working, saving, planning and nurturing something is good for you.
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Agree with others and prefer the vintage separates ebay route - because that might inspire him to save up and try to improve the components over time!

I think there's something we lost in today's instant gratification 'all-in-one' world where you buy it and throw it away a few years later. Working, saving, planning and nurturing something is good for you.

I did it myself about ten years ago for my bedroom. I listen to it as much as I do my main system.

I started with a turntable: Merantz TT1200 I had purchased this for £6 (£11 including postage) a few years before, but had upgraded to a Pro-Ject in my main system.

My amp is a Sony TA-F246E for £25. From Ebay. Seller stipulated collection only. Turned out I drove past his house every day, bargain! The seller threw in a tuner for free that I still use in my main system.

CD player was TEAC, I forget the model £12 from Cash Converters. I gave this away to someone whose CD player had failed.

I replaced the CD with a Sony CDP-XE570 £9 from Ebay. Again collection only. The seller thought it hilarious that people still listen to CDs. I thought it even funnier that he could have got closer to £100 if he could be bothered to post it.

I started with Wharfedale speakers borrowed from my kitchen. Then got Tannoy Mercury M1, another collection only ebay bargain at £20. I eventually swapped the speakers with Mission 701 from my main system. The Missions are the most forgiving speakers for placements and work well in the confines of a bedroom, where the Tannoy's smaller boxes look better in the living room and have the space they need around them.

Finally I started with a Bluetooth receiver that I already had, but swapped it for a Chromecast Audio moved from my main system when I got a WiiM Mini.

In may someday upgrade the streamer in my main system and move WiiM upstairs.

Given the swapping and changing of components I can't put an exact price on it but approximately £65 + £12 for the CD player I gave away plus £50 I originally paid for the Chromecast. Used most. Days for over ten years, I think I have had my moneys worth!
It's amazing what's out there!

I started with a banging pair of Wharfedales I saved up for and got in Tandy's as a kid. Just found a picture of the awful things below!

They went with a lovely old Hitachi amplifier someone didn't want. Drove everyone mad with the noise levels. I can still remember the smell of the woofers and the air that came out of the port.

I love my setup today but as Wilde wrote there are two tragedies - One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. The last is much the worst.

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I would only like to refer that some 70´s components that i use a lot, having also completelly new and excessive expensive system, modern one,

but no new system that costs ´till 100.000€ achieves good 70´s quality in all components ,

streaming i have two components new but before i was using a Laptop only.

IF people think that components ´till 1.000€ are evolved and in reality it´s not good what they are buying as evolution, has i said before is not higher technology,

but reduce costs of production and sell the more Expensive Possible, no one here ,once refer to the shameless decrease of quality in all brands known, from 1979 to 1980,

as what used to be nice turntables ended in the year 2000, now all is diferent for the worst and minimal as possible,

the only thing they didn´t do was putting some pedals for us to ride like a bycicle and make rotate the turntable part itself ,

like rubber belts exposed, and all specifications in Pro-ject turntables, if tested after 5 days of correct use they show less good measures , while a 100€ technics in early 90´s or Late 80´s with heavy use still as better especifications as new and measured after all this years ,

this to do not refer what new cartridges ´till 2000€´s are in reality compared to before cheap cartridges,

as an example , the 70´s and 80´s ATN 95 from audio-technica was a good stylus brands like technics and Pioneer started to use it as original cartridge since 79 till the end of the 90´s ,

in some of their models, only top end turntables used to have as a choice or a Denon mc cartridge and a Ortofon MC cartridge also.

the last turntable i bought before the 2000´s was a Thorens and between two cartridges i choose one Ortofon that was blue and said mk II ,

now i can´t remenber the exact model ,but even in finearts by grundig turntables in early 90´s, had the same stylus ,as option,

and a Thorens built turntable and a less expensive more simple but very good Dual turntable, if memory doesn´t fail me.

If i knew what i know now today , instead of Nakamichi , Sony ESprit series and ended up with a URUSHI Pioneer complete system except the speakers that were some 89 cerwin-vega the AT-100 and Mission Argonaut mkII(780 Model) .

I would have bought all Finearts by Grundig , including speakers
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My stepson saved up and we helped him buy a 1 BY ONE system. The amplifier is built into the turntable, and there's two passive speakers. It's not what any of us would call hi-fi, but I've been surprised by how reasonable it is for the money, and it has Bluetooth too, so he can play from Spotify. It has a basic AT cartridge (AT3600). A low fuss start for him, and at 14 there's plenty of time for him to get more serious.
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My stepson saved up and we helped him buy a 1 BY ONE system. The amplifier is built into the turntable, and there's two passive speakers. It's not what any of us would call hi-fi, but I've been surprised by how reasonable it is for the money, and it has Bluetooth too, so he can play from Spotify. It has a basic AT cartridge (AT3600). A low fuss start for him, and at 14 there's plenty of time for him to get more serious.
i started to listen to records daily when i was 12 ,using my father´s stereo system that was incredible expensive and in two years i had a ES-2000 complete system bought in Japan in 1974 for 400 dollars.

At the time money´s value, against japanese coin , yen?not sure now and added a 1970 open reel deck from Akai the X-165D from 1970 catalog ,

that was a reference sold earlier in the 60´s but in 1970 they added Crossfield in the deck,

this receiver had stronger loudness and better sounding treble and bass knobs, also the turntable was bigger and better built than the PL-12D or PL-15D,

this ones were similar but the plinth was litle and the materials were inferior allthough at the time i thought it were the same,

only after a few monthwes i notice speakers A had some problem as when conected one listen part of the right side on the left side and the inverse in the other speaker,

but in speakers B it was plain stereo output sound, only later as all the pappers were written in japanese characters and unfolded like toilet paper,

i learn that it was like that because of the matrix four that simulated quadrophony, that having a pair of extra speakers, Celestion Ditton speakers from the 1970 i conected them and one at each corner of my bedroom .

Only in 2017 i saw on ebay a brochure with pictures in full colour that i ordered from Ireland and said in big letters "Fantastic surround sound" .

i´m refering to this because i´ve seen locally people selling entire 70´s systems for 50 to 100€, this to say that locally one can find a lot better quality components than on ebay,

but if looking for it ,it appears on ebay from time to time cheap but better sounding components than what is regular all year.

I even was asked by kids that have bands in my town to buy them a cheap system for at the most 500€ and i ´ve bought some 6 or 7 components systems depending in what this kids i know from 18 to 20 years old want,

one of them had a t-shirt with a lot of cassettes printed and one night i was drunk and with a friend we grab the kids t-shirt and started to say "i have this and this " etc.

but the kid made a coment like "the cassette were really bad they didn´t had high´s" to what i reply , "i have to show you my stereo system as they were recording a demo at my home,

my fathers home till he died some years ago, having a very expensive home studio at home assembled in 1970 and improved since then,

the next time they went to my home i putted a tdk D c60 playing on a DRM-800a from 1989, and the kids from the band never had listen to a cassette, and they couldn´t believe that some had cd players that had not then qualitty of sound of my cassette deck and system,

was then when they started to ask me to buy also a cassette deck, i even bought from letónia or something similar, a DRM-800a Denon deck, restored and when opening it it had new knobs still unpacked for the deck, cost me in total almost 50€,

it was much expensier when in 89 i bought mine as i had a CT-91a from Pioneer but wanted a second deck, and i like Denon decks previous to this series had already a good sound , i went for the denon and when people stoped using cassettes two friends ofered me a DRM-700a and another DRM-800a ,

both almost equal but the drm-700a doesnt have light on the cassette compartment and in the cover of the cassette insert instead of golden brown letters have them white,

and it as regular heads and the 800 as amourphous heads, but both sound very good and cheaper than other brands at the time,

i think they have what people call coloured sound as they stoped releasing decks with calibration and still had great sound, playing or recording,

and i think the 800a was their last better deck they released as after in the 90´s the top end model with a drawer the DRS-810 was like the 700a of 89 in specifications,

and in a brochure i have from Denon they say that because today with the cd players having a drawer they made the cassette deck with a drawer, to look more modern as people wanted it that way,

i don´t remenber it well but i think they refer to Audiophiles, sorry for the long coment, hope you understand.


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