lindsayt said:
nopiano, bass extension below 45 hertz is really the realm of 18" or bigger drivers, unless you use equalisation or port stunts. Using such big drivers does bring the problems of cost and large size, and possibly an extra crossover region, plus the possibility of too much bass echo in sparsely furnished rooms. Do you think there are any other problems associated with using 18" or bigger drivers?
Hi Lindsay, I've only a few times heard even 12" woofers, and the only bigger ones I can think of are fleeting encounters with big JBLs and the old Leak 2075 (the one with the swivelling top). The huge JBLs were at shows, and though 'rock concert' loud, therefore v impressive, they didn't sound very subtle or domestic, which is my priority. The Leaks were rather good (and we had them in the shop, so heard them over 2 years), mostly because they were effortless in the bass, a bit like sub-woofers can be. The old IMF/TDLs and some big Tannoys were similarly relaxed.
In a very generalised way, those huge bass cones didn't seem to lend themselves to much crispness or attack though, and since most home systems struggle to reproduce below c 50Hz anyway (and I date from the first LP era, when hum was to be avoided!). So they could sound good on, say, a cathedral organ, they missed the kick of a good drum kit (or drowned it in boom). They definitely moved the air though, and for many that is enough, as it replicates a large arena experience.
More specifically, and relevant today, is the percieved wisdom that wide cabinets have other problems, hence even high-end models (like that sf Aida and KEF Blades) choose multiple smaller units not one big 'un. You'll know all the downsides, not least cost of manufacture and shipping.
As it happens, according to this review of my models (far less ambitious designs) they are pretty solid down to 40Hz thanks to the ABR. ["...the speaker gives full output down to the radiator tuning frequency of 40Hz, then rolls out steeply..."] They only have a weeny 7" bass driver though!
Incidentally, I'd never much liked ABRs as a rule, but I loved the sound of these, so gave up my previous dislikes just to get that sound in my living room!