I've spent the last day or so sorting out lossless streaming of audio from my PC to my PS3. To do this I have been using EAC, TVersity and WinAmp on Vista. I've had a few issues along the way (which I've solved) so I thought I'd post them into a thread so others could benefit from what I have learnt along the way.
[Edit - 01/05/2009]
I no longer use TVersity for streaming to the PS3. See this thread for my new approach.
[End Edit]
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
Been playing with this for a few weeks now. New issues are being found but old issues are being sorted!
The versions of software I am using are....
Exact Audio Copy0.99 prebeta 4
[End Edit]
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
EAC - Rippin issues with last track on CD
I posed a question to this forum regarding sync errors / suspicious position at the end of the last track of a CD when using EAC. I was getting this quite a lot i.e. every other CD. I didn't get an answer, so had a trawl around the web.
It seems that this is related to incorrect drive configuration within EAC and specifically with the "Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out" option. I turned this off and have not experienced the issue since. It appears that my CD drive does not support this feature. Yours may. If you see the error a lot, try turning the "Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out" option off to see if it fixes it.
[End Edit]
Installation and configuration of EAC
EAC or Exact Audio Copy allows you to create bit perfect rips of your CDs. There is none better!
I used these instructions to install and configure EAC. No issues.
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
Due to issues with incomplete playback of tracks on PS3 and being unable to see the track length on TVersity, I strongly recommend that the following arguments be used within EAC to pass to the external FLAC encoder:
-5 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" %s --ignore-chunk-sizes -o %d
It should be noted that the first argument relates to file compression. 5 is seen by many as the optimum compression ratio in terms of the size of file and the time it takes for the compression to complete. But you can use any value between 1 and 8 where 1 is the least compression and 8 is the most.
To change the arguments in EAC do the following.
1) Start the EAC application.
1) Click "EAC | Compression Options" menu items. The compression options tabbed dialog appears.
2) Click "External Compression" tab. The external compression controls are viewable.
3) Edit the string in the "Additional command-line options:" textbox.
[End Edit]
Installation and configuration of TVersity
Media server which will take FLAC files and transcode them into a format more palatable to the PS3. In fact, it seems to transcode them to PCM format.
I used these instructions to install and configure TVersity. No issues.
The author claims that these instructions removes many of the issues associated with a standard install of TVersity which relate, in particular, to the codec pack which comes with TVersity. It seems these issues are associated with video streaming primarily and, as yet, I haven't tried any. So if you're having issues, it might be worth giving them a whirl.
TVersity Media Library refresh
Issue - You place a couple of files into your folder structure and ask TVersity to refresh and it takes an age to do so.
If you take a look under the sharing tab in Tversity you will see in the left hand pane a number of feeds. Click each one in turn and delete all the video and audion feeds except your own ones which reside under Home | Media.
It seems that everytime you hit refresh, TVersity goes off to the web and downloads a load of tat from the internet. This tat is held under
C😛rogram FilesTVersityMedia Serverdatadownload
I have read reports of several gigs of data being held in here.
This link will take you to google. The link you want will be first in the returned results. This is a must read!
Once you have removed these superfluous feeds from TVersity a media library refresh takes seconds.
Incomplete playback of track on PS3
Issue: when you attempt to play some streamed tracks on your PS3 the playback ends before the track has finished.
Symptoms: The track will be listed on the PS3 as being 9:59"59"" long. Browsing the TVersity library through TVersity on your PC will show that the track length is not specified. The track plays perfectly on your PC (TVersity and WinAmp)
It seems this has something to do with the tags within the FLAC file being incorrect...yes EAC has introduced an error during ripping! What you need to do is download and install FooBar and get it to convert the dodgy track into another FLAC file. You'll notice that the file is bigger than the one produced by EAC.
Replace the old file with this new file and refresh the TVersity library. You'll find the issue is now fixed! The double check is that the file length is specified both on the PS3 and within TVersity.
I'm not at together sure what is going on here. Not all files are affected. For me, FooBar was the only application which would sort it. I tried WinAmp and Flac.exe without success. I'm hoping one of the file format gurus on this forum will have an explanation.
See this thread for more information.
Download FooBar from here.
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
This should no longer occur if you are using the arguments I recommend for EAC (see above).
[End Edit]
TVersity and playlists
Issue: You cannot generate playlists in TVersity.
To get round this I downloaded WinAmp to use as a media organiser. So, you create a playlist in WinAmp. You save this playlist to a folder. You then add this folder to Home | Media under the sharing tab within TVersity.
Bob's your uncle. Playlists in TVersity which can be streamed to your PS3.
I downloaded WinAmp from here.
Can't restart TVersity from Start Menu or Desktop Shortcut
Issue: if you close TVersity and then restart it, you get a warning that another instance of the application is already running. The application then exits. You are unable to access the application.
The simple work around is to open the Windows Task Manager and select the Processes tab. Scroll down until you find the TVersity.exe process. Right click on it and select End Process Tree from the context menu. Windows will pop up a dialog seeking confirmation. Click the End Process Tree button. You will now find that you can start TVersity without issue.
An even simpler workaround is to avoid using the Start Menu or Desktop Shortcut once you have closed TVersity. If you take a gander at the System Tray (far right of Taskbar next to clock) you'll find a TVersity icon. Click this and TVersity opens without issue.
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
PS3 cannot see TVersity Media Server
So your PC is turned on and TVersity Media Server is running. You turn on your PS3, navigate to audio and expect to see the TVersity icon. It's not there. You do a search for media servers. None are found? Workaround - restart TVersity media server and icon appears on PS3.
So it appears that the TVersity Media Server will only allow itself to be found by the PS3 if the meida server is started after the PS3. I am hoping that this has been resolved by the latest release candidate for TVersity.
[End Edit]
Well, that's it. If I find anything more, I'll update the original post.
[Edit - 01/05/2009]
I no longer use TVersity for streaming to the PS3. See this thread for my new approach.
[End Edit]
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
Been playing with this for a few weeks now. New issues are being found but old issues are being sorted!
The versions of software I am using are....
Exact Audio Copy0.99 prebeta 4
[End Edit]
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
EAC - Rippin issues with last track on CD
I posed a question to this forum regarding sync errors / suspicious position at the end of the last track of a CD when using EAC. I was getting this quite a lot i.e. every other CD. I didn't get an answer, so had a trawl around the web.
It seems that this is related to incorrect drive configuration within EAC and specifically with the "Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out" option. I turned this off and have not experienced the issue since. It appears that my CD drive does not support this feature. Yours may. If you see the error a lot, try turning the "Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out" option off to see if it fixes it.
[End Edit]
Installation and configuration of EAC
EAC or Exact Audio Copy allows you to create bit perfect rips of your CDs. There is none better!
I used these instructions to install and configure EAC. No issues.
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
Due to issues with incomplete playback of tracks on PS3 and being unable to see the track length on TVersity, I strongly recommend that the following arguments be used within EAC to pass to the external FLAC encoder:
-5 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" %s --ignore-chunk-sizes -o %d
It should be noted that the first argument relates to file compression. 5 is seen by many as the optimum compression ratio in terms of the size of file and the time it takes for the compression to complete. But you can use any value between 1 and 8 where 1 is the least compression and 8 is the most.
To change the arguments in EAC do the following.
1) Start the EAC application.
1) Click "EAC | Compression Options" menu items. The compression options tabbed dialog appears.
2) Click "External Compression" tab. The external compression controls are viewable.
3) Edit the string in the "Additional command-line options:" textbox.
[End Edit]
Installation and configuration of TVersity
Media server which will take FLAC files and transcode them into a format more palatable to the PS3. In fact, it seems to transcode them to PCM format.
I used these instructions to install and configure TVersity. No issues.
The author claims that these instructions removes many of the issues associated with a standard install of TVersity which relate, in particular, to the codec pack which comes with TVersity. It seems these issues are associated with video streaming primarily and, as yet, I haven't tried any. So if you're having issues, it might be worth giving them a whirl.
TVersity Media Library refresh
Issue - You place a couple of files into your folder structure and ask TVersity to refresh and it takes an age to do so.
If you take a look under the sharing tab in Tversity you will see in the left hand pane a number of feeds. Click each one in turn and delete all the video and audion feeds except your own ones which reside under Home | Media.
It seems that everytime you hit refresh, TVersity goes off to the web and downloads a load of tat from the internet. This tat is held under
C😛rogram FilesTVersityMedia Serverdatadownload
I have read reports of several gigs of data being held in here.
This link will take you to google. The link you want will be first in the returned results. This is a must read!
Once you have removed these superfluous feeds from TVersity a media library refresh takes seconds.
Incomplete playback of track on PS3
Issue: when you attempt to play some streamed tracks on your PS3 the playback ends before the track has finished.
Symptoms: The track will be listed on the PS3 as being 9:59"59"" long. Browsing the TVersity library through TVersity on your PC will show that the track length is not specified. The track plays perfectly on your PC (TVersity and WinAmp)
It seems this has something to do with the tags within the FLAC file being incorrect...yes EAC has introduced an error during ripping! What you need to do is download and install FooBar and get it to convert the dodgy track into another FLAC file. You'll notice that the file is bigger than the one produced by EAC.
Replace the old file with this new file and refresh the TVersity library. You'll find the issue is now fixed! The double check is that the file length is specified both on the PS3 and within TVersity.
I'm not at together sure what is going on here. Not all files are affected. For me, FooBar was the only application which would sort it. I tried WinAmp and Flac.exe without success. I'm hoping one of the file format gurus on this forum will have an explanation.
See this thread for more information.
Download FooBar from here.
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
This should no longer occur if you are using the arguments I recommend for EAC (see above).
[End Edit]
TVersity and playlists
Issue: You cannot generate playlists in TVersity.
To get round this I downloaded WinAmp to use as a media organiser. So, you create a playlist in WinAmp. You save this playlist to a folder. You then add this folder to Home | Media under the sharing tab within TVersity.
Bob's your uncle. Playlists in TVersity which can be streamed to your PS3.
I downloaded WinAmp from here.
Can't restart TVersity from Start Menu or Desktop Shortcut
Issue: if you close TVersity and then restart it, you get a warning that another instance of the application is already running. The application then exits. You are unable to access the application.
The simple work around is to open the Windows Task Manager and select the Processes tab. Scroll down until you find the TVersity.exe process. Right click on it and select End Process Tree from the context menu. Windows will pop up a dialog seeking confirmation. Click the End Process Tree button. You will now find that you can start TVersity without issue.
An even simpler workaround is to avoid using the Start Menu or Desktop Shortcut once you have closed TVersity. If you take a gander at the System Tray (far right of Taskbar next to clock) you'll find a TVersity icon. Click this and TVersity opens without issue.
[Edit - 05/07/2008]
PS3 cannot see TVersity Media Server
So your PC is turned on and TVersity Media Server is running. You turn on your PS3, navigate to audio and expect to see the TVersity icon. It's not there. You do a search for media servers. None are found? Workaround - restart TVersity media server and icon appears on PS3.
So it appears that the TVersity Media Server will only allow itself to be found by the PS3 if the meida server is started after the PS3. I am hoping that this has been resolved by the latest release candidate for TVersity.
[End Edit]
Well, that's it. If I find anything more, I'll update the original post.