Loss of audio and video output from Yamaha receiver


New member
Apr 18, 2016
I have a 5.1 channel Yamaha RX-V475 AV receiver, to which the centre and surround speakers, along with the subwoofer from a Wharfedale DX-1se package are connected. For the front left and right channels, I use an old pair of Tannoy Mercury M3 floorstanders. The Tannoy speakers were purchased back in the late 1990s as part of a stereo setup, and I've had the Wharfedales since last September. The AV gear is located in upstairs bedroom.

A few weeks ago there was an issue with the electricity supply in the local area, which amongst other things, caused the television downstairs to keep turning on and off from standby, and an electric shower to fluctuate in temperature and its power indicator to flicker, accompanied by quite loud hum. To prevent damage to my bedroom av equipment from a possible power surge, I unplugged it all from the mains and disconnected the speakers, only reconnecting and plugging everything back in again one the power had returned to normal later that day.

Several days later I had to reverse the receiver connections for one of the speakers, as the front right channel sound appeared somewhat distant and hollow, suggesting that this speaker was out of phase, having been incorrectly reconnected. Once this was done, and it was established there were no loose speaker or HDMI connections at the back of the receiver, it was turned on again. However, after the Yamaha receiver had been in use for just over three quarters of an hour, unexpectedly it completely stopped outputting video and audio signals. I don’t recall this ever happening before. As a result, I couldn’t hear any sound coming from the connected speakers, neither was there any video image from my blu-ray player appearing on the television. The receiver’s power saving mode was engaged, but 1080 appeared in the top left of the display where ECO is usually shown. I tired turning the receiver on and off a number of times, but that didn’t rectify the issue, as while the usual two clicks were heard when powering on and the HDMI out indicator appeared as normal, the problem remained. It was only when the receiver was switched off and left for a couple of hours, before being turned back on and then switched from HDMI1 to another input, then back to HDMI1 again, that ECO appeared on the display and the receiver’s video and audio output were restored.

While the receiver is now working correctly once more, I’m wondering what could have caused the problem. Even though it wasn’t used at all on the day of the electricity fault, and the following weekend was the first occasion the receiver was turned on since, is there any chance a fluctuating mains supply could have put the receiver into protection mode? Would an out of phase speaker have been the cause of my problem, or perhaps a speaker impedance issue, as there seems to be discrepancy regarding the Wharfedale DX1se speakers. In the user manual the impedance is given as 8 ohms compatible, while on the back of the speakers themselves, it’s stated as 4 ohms. The old pair of floorstanding Tannoy speakers have, I believe, an impedance of 8 ohms. Since I don’t often run the volume level higher than -30, and much of the time it is lower than this, I don't think that overheating could be factored in as a possible cause, for at no point did the receiver automatically power off, even though the receiver does seem to run hotter than when I used it with my previous Yamaha NSP110 speakers.

As I’m not completely certain as to why the issue occurred, and am wondering what the chance is of a similar problem in the future, does anyone know what most likely resulted in a total loss of audio and video output from my Yamaha RX-V475 receiver for a time several weekends ago?
Voltage fluctuations and power cuts can occasionally make the processors in products such as this throw a wobbly, leading to erratic behaviour or no behaviour at all!

If all is working well now I'd leave it alone and enjoy, but if you really wanted to you could run a factory reset on the Yamaha, as explained here. However, then you'll need to do all the set-up stuff again.
Thanks for the reply. I'm wondering why there was a loss of audio and video output from the receiver in case it happens again. Has anyone else experience a similar problem? It was the first time something like this had ever occoured with my Yamaha receiver. I don't know if speaker impedance could have resulted the problem, though thankfully the issue was only temporary.
Chris1725 said:
I'm wondering why there was a loss of audio and video output from the receiver in case it happens again.

Sounds just like the control processor was playing up, possibly due to the power cut episode you mentioned affecting its programming. Seems like your reboot has cleared it now.
Wasn't really a complete power cut as such, rather a reduced electricty supply. A number of devices including a broadand modem and router in a room dowstairs were unaffected by the mains electricity problem continuing to operate as normal. I wouldn't have though that a reduced level of power could have caused any issue with my receiver, when it wasn't in use at all that day and remained switched off. As the switched extention block my av gear including the receiver is plugged into, is powered from a mains socket hidden behind a bedroom cupboard and therefore not possible to be tuned off, I unplugged all the equipment in case there was any risk of damage.
audio/video amps seem a bit sensitive to power supply fluctuations, one autumn night I was just watching tv with the sound coming through my amp (a Denon) when my ceiling lights flickered off and back on, must have only been a couple of seconds but out of all my equipment I had on at the time (tv, sky box) only my amp turned itself off to standby, after waiting a minute a press of the on button on the remote brought the amp back to life without any issues.

this has since happened again when I upgraded the Denon to another make (a Onyko) so my guess is the protection circuits of both amps were doing what they were designed for (the Onyko also carried on without issues).

Seems strange that an electircity supply issue could have resulted in the problem I'd experienced with my receiver, despite it not being on that day. I had wondered if it something else such as an speaker issue might have been to blame in any way. At least it's good to know that the receiver is functioning normaly now.


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