Hi, im confused on what type of tv to get and wondering if anyone could help. I currently have a Panasonic TX-26LXD60 which is connected to a PS3 and a denon dvd1930, they are connected to a yamaha RXV 440 amp with mission speakers. I watch movies which are mostly on blue ray now as it looks much better compared to dvds. I am after a bigger tv and was looking at getting a 37inch with full hd and 24fps but not sure on what type, plasma or lcd? I play games on the PS3 alot and am worried about screenburn on a plasma but not sure on an lcd as it can sometimes seem slow or lagging when watching films? The Tv's I have been looking at are around the £600 -£800. One's which I have been looking at are the toshiba 37 models, samsung LE37A656A1FXXU, panasonic 37LZD85 and a phillps 37PFL7603D all are around the £600-£800 range. Any help would be much appreciated