Looking for new TV


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi, im confused on what type of tv to get and wondering if anyone could help. I currently have a Panasonic TX-26LXD60 which is connected to a PS3 and a denon dvd1930, they are connected to a yamaha RXV 440 amp with mission speakers. I watch movies which are mostly on blue ray now as it looks much better compared to dvds. I am after a bigger tv and was looking at getting a 37inch with full hd and 24fps but not sure on what type, plasma or lcd? I play games on the PS3 alot and am worried about screenburn on a plasma but not sure on an lcd as it can sometimes seem slow or lagging when watching films? The Tv's I have been looking at are around the £600 -£800. One's which I have been looking at are the toshiba 37 models, samsung LE37A656A1FXXU, panasonic 37LZD85 and a phillps 37PFL7603D all are around the £600-£800 range. Any help would be much appreciated


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Jan 18, 2008
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No screenburn problems on good plasmas anymore if used sensibly but then again no motion problems on decent LCD's either of what I've seen in my short but intensive time into HT.

Panasonic plasmas or LCD's are fine so are Samsungs, Philips or Sony's (all with LED backlight, I would not choose any screen with conventional, permanent backlight) but the latter (Sony's) are too expensive. You probably find them heavily discounted from e-retailers though. Make sure if you go sony it's one with the Bravia Pro processing engine, more natural colours than their Bravia 2 versions.

There's the usual division here, plasma vs lcd, but each have their drawbacks so you need to make sure the pluses outweigh the minuses. Gaming alone is no reason to plump for LCD whilst watching in continuously bright condition is probably a good reason to do so. LCD's or LED backlit sets go brighter. Whether its a natural picture is another question.

Hope this helps


Thanks for the help. I was looking in some retailers yesterday and asked the people there and they just confused me on what to get, one said get plasma but don't go on it for more than 3 hours when gaming but itÿdoesn'tÿlag like an lcd? ÿÿÿand another guy just tried selling me the biggest TV going there.ÿ

I'll look at the reviews for the TV's but there was one plasma that looked a lot better next to an LCD, that was 2 Panasonic's. Another question I have is does 100hz help with gaming? Some say it does while some say 24fps is better? ÿ ÿ


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Jan 18, 2008
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You need advise from one of the gaming guys here, I'm not one of them but most sets have either 100hz, film mode ie. 24fps, or special gaming modes, a lot now have all of them so you should'nt find it difficult to find one. With regards to gaming, I wouldn't play for three hours non-stop on my plasma even though there are plenty that apparently do. Take a short brake every hour, switch program for a few mins and you should'nt have a problem even with intensive settings. There was a bloke that played the same game continuously every day, for weeks on his Kuro. He even fell asleep over it a couple of times. Not surprising, he had screenburn/very serious retention and it only disappeared after 'washing' the panel intensively, as instructed by ISF people, over weeks.



24fps is for Blu Ray movies only as far as I know. 100 hz may be of benefit but it all depends on how it's been implemented on the individual model. I don't miss it on my Kuro and I game all the time and never had any problems. Modern plasmas dont really suffer burn as long as you don't treat it like a muppet and play 24/7.
I'd go plasma over LCD any day of the week, but thats just me.



J95: The Tv's I have been looking at are around the £600 -£800. One's which I have been looking at are the toshiba 37 models, samsung LE37A656A1FXXU, panasonic 37LZD85 and a phillps 37PFL7603D all are around the £600-£800 range. Any help would be much appreciatedBest buy 37" TV on this site (see Review section) is the Panny 37PX80. Well under £600. Lots of gamers prefer plasma and screenburn wont be a problem as long as you have a mix of viewing and dont play the same game 24/7.


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