looking for interconnects to add punch to nad system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
am looking for interconnects around the £50 mark to add punch to the bass. am using the nad c352 amp and the nad c542 cd player with dali suite 2.8 speakers and qed xt300 speaker cable. not sure what the interconnects at the moment are. bought them for about £20 20 years ago in richer sounds! finding the system is sounding a bit flat and dull. would bi wiring be much of an improvement? any advice much appreciated.

the chord interconnects i have heard sound to me like they add something at the top and bottom of the frequency range, might be worth trying one. i think it depends on how flat it currently sounds, unless your current ic is completely rubbish the difference should only be slight.

biwiring would probably be even less of a difference then changing interconnect. try replacing the speaker jumper bars with a small piece of speaker cable, this led to a suprising improvement on my speakers.
chord chameleon silver plus - loads and loads of bass

I've compared them to missing link alaqeia + nordost blue heaven and in terms of bass they win hands down. They go for abot £60 used on ebay. Recommended.
If you want to add punch I would steer clear of silver cables. I changed from QED revelation to a thick copper speaker cable (Van Damme, very cheap) and it was like having a new system. The silver cables had really robbed my system of bass and punch.
i'll try black rhodium prelude, but also agree with the others the silver cables sound to harsh if thats the right word to use.
Give the Silver High Breed Avatar a try; you can pick up a pair for around £35 - my £120 chords went on e-bay after I found SHB.

Currently listening to: Sin Ropas
The Chord Chameleon is a very bassy I/C and would suit your needs well in my opinion.

Another vote for these. Superb VFM and not bright at all.

I like chord chameleon silver plus. Also Nordost blue heaven have a nice open airy sound with a tight fast punchy bass, on some systems they maybe a little bright though.


The Black Rhodium Prelude is also a superb interconnect; for me it was better than the Chord interconnects

I had mine with a NAD C355BEE and M/A RX6 speakers and a rega Apollo CDP
am looking for interconnects around the £50 mark to add punch to the bass. am using the nad c352 amp and the nad c542 cd player with dali suite 2.8 speakers and qed xt300 speaker cable. not sure what the interconnects at the moment are. bought them for about £20 20 years ago in richer sounds! finding the system is sounding a bit flat and dull. would bi wiring be much of an improvement? any advice much appreciated.


Having been through a bunch of interconnects in that price range from £40 up to around £70, I found my current interconnects did as good a job. Computergear pro-audio interconnects, copper core, which is may be what you are looking for against the typically brighter sounding silver cables (tried Nordost Blue Heavens once for a few weeks - way too bright) and this was as against Audioquest, Van den Hul and QED to name but three. The Computergear cables cost me £7 for a 2m pair, although the price may have risen in retail stockist to almost a tenner. Online, expect to pay as little as £4 to around £7.

I found them excellent, as good as the aforementioned brand names above. YMMV.
I found the chord chameleon to be quite rich sounding, lending an almost warm sound to my set up. I would not recommend it if you want more punch and i do not think it would go well with nad components. I have the same amp and cdp player as you have and i looked for an interconnect that could transfer plenty of wallop. Your best bet imo is a Nordost blue heaven which is a fast punchy sounding cable with plenty of tight bass or a chord company chorus mark 1. Both can be had on e bay second hand. Nordost for about 45-60 quid and chord for about 80. They were considerably more when new.That is where i got my chorus and i have been delighted with it.


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