Logitech UE-6000 Noise-Canceling Stereo Headphone review


New member
Dec 7, 2011
To date, the best I've heard. http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/forum/headphone-reviews/1823-logitech-ue-6000-noise-canceling-headphone-review.html


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Thanks for the review. Logitech are a strange company sometimes ( why get rid of squeezebox!) but the ultimate ears division are capable of good headphones. The triple fi 10s are the best iem's ive heard so far.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Hey Dale, great review and wow another suberb sounding headphone! Just to clarify: Are you saying that it produced audio distortion with the active NC off? That's the opposite to what I'd have expected. And I can't help but mention the classic - the Bose QC15? Could you say how it compares to that in terms of audio quality and active NC isolation? - which would be bet for super noisy environments?

Oh and could you how some settings for the EQ? I'm not familiar with the Apple options but what about Foobar?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
quadpatch said:
Hey Dale, great review and wow another suberb sounding headphone! Just to clarify: Are you saying that it produced audio distortion with the active NC off? That's the opposite to what I'd have expected. And I can't help but mention the classic - the Bose QC15? Could you say how it compares to that in terms of audio quality and active NC isolation? - which would be bet for super noisy environments? Oh and could you how some settings for the EQ? I'm not familiar with the Apple options but what about Foobar?

My 6000 was defective, as was 2(!) of Tyll's 4000 samples. Not good. Anyway, got the new one which works. The passive mode has a very recessed treble, and the active mode has a very boosted bass. I haven't tried a critical review of passive mode and whether a treble boost there would sound as good as the bass reduction in active mode. Instinct says it would be best to have NR off, but that probably won't apply with the 6000. The NC seems to do exactly like my Bose QC2 - sitting at the end of a pier with ships in the harbor and all kinds of noise, in passive mode the headphone blocks highs like an average sealed headphone (or slightly better), and when NC is switched on, the lower frequency sounds just disappear (amazing) but people walking by I can hear just a small bit of their voices, just like the QC2 when riding the big passenger jets.

Edit: I'll look up Foobar settings when I get back.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
The Foobar2000 setting I use for "same as iPod" Bass Reducer:

-1 db at 440 hz with one db decrements, to -6 db at 77 hz and 55 hz.

The Foobar2000 setting I use for "same as iPod" Treble Booster:

+1 db at 1.2 khz with one db increments, to +8 db at 14 khz, then +7 db at 20 khz.

This is based on the default Foobar2000 equalizer. I also have a 30+ band equalizer but rarely use it.

I swapped my UE-6000 today and now passive mode works. But passive mode sounds like a blanket is over the sound, similar to many headphones these days, and even treble booster is not enough to bring it up within a mile of the Shure 1840, which isn't a "bright" headphone. So a certain reviewer who likes this muffled sound (and it's muffled) must really dislike the treble end of the spectrum.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
The 6000 treble in passive mode is so recessed it sounds dull even with ipod-equivalent treble boost. Now with 3 defective Logitechs out of 5, I hope I don't have to contend with large sample-to-sample variances.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Here's the Youtube video, with some info that's not in the text review. http://youtu.be/c39JATw5HU8


New member
Dec 7, 2011
I updated the hifiheadphones review, so for those who've already read it here's the update:

(1) Comparing to the v-moda M80 headphone, which is fairly neutral with a soft (slightly recessed) treble, the UE-6000 in Passive mode sounds like a blanket has been placed over the drivers - very muffled and very boomy.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Tonight I checked the Apple store demo of the UE-6000 in Passive mode, and it sounded very good, like a totally different headphone from mine. So between Innerfidelity and I, that makes 4 defectives out of the first 6 UE headphones.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Oh wow, this is insane!! So they made a great headphone and then totally ruined it, giving the consumer zero confidence to buy one. What a waste. I makes me wonder if it sounding good was just a random mistake :p


New member
Dec 7, 2011
I enquired of Logitech also about replacement cables, given many reports of cable difficulties not to mention the near impossibility of getting the cables securely into the UE-6000's I had. They replied back, that no replacement parts of any kind are available. They do have a great sound, but one wonders about how it could be so dissociated from these other things.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
You should update your review with this info. I must say this increases my curiosity to review them but not so much to buy them. If I was looking to buy them this information would put me right off! I guess you didn't get yours through Robin, I wonder if he will get them in.

As a buyer, wanting to get the best for my money and not owning lots of headphones I would be nervous as hell that when I bought them, if I didn't like something, I would be constantly wondering: Is that sound aspect something that just doesn't suit what I like, or is it a defective unit. It would constantly drive me crazy, even if they were actually as good as they could be.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
I think the review has been updated in all postings and youtube. If I were a dealer, I would not sell any factory sealed boxes. All would be opened and tested, and I would charge extra for screening them. But when they work, oh my!! They are good.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
I've spent three nights now comparing the UE-6000 to the Shure 1840. Basically the 6000 sounds like an 1840 with bass. It gets better than that, though. I have a number of tracks that compare very fine detail and harmonics, and the 6000 is equaling or beating the 1840 right down the line. This is in Active mode with bass reducer, and the 1840 played flat (no EQ).


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Yesterday I checked Innerfidelity's frequency response measurement of the UE6000 in Passive mode and compared it to the Sennheiser HD800. Compared to the HD800, the UE6000's treble is down** the following amounts: -6 db at 3khz, -7 db at 4 to 5 khz, -11 db at 6 to 7 khz, and -9 db at 8 khz. The HD800 has a fairly strong treble that's not excessive, so at 6 key frequencies from 3 to 8 khz, the UE6000 is down an average of 8.5 db. Is that a lot? Yes, but it might be even worse. If you have a sample that varies from spec by 3 db (which is probably generous for a product with an iffy QC record), if you add a variance of 3 db to that you're then down an average of 11.5 db, which is very bad. If you subtract a variance of 3 db from that then you're only down an average of 5.5 db, which isn't quite as bad. And that's why it's important to have a tight spec, plus not be far off from a reasonable high fidelity standard, so the variances don't kill your sound. And it probably explains most of the review differences.

**For example, if the HD800's output at 5 khz is 6 db lower than its average midrange output and the UE6000's output at 5 khz is 9 db lower than its average midrange output, then the UE6000's output at 5 khz is down 3 db relative to the HD800.

Last thought: I don't know where Innerfidelity's UE6000 sample measurement falls among the samples being sold now. If their sample had treble output greater than the average sample, then the lower-than-average samples would be down twice as much as I speculated on. For example, you'll see in the All Measurements PDF that some of the famous brands which have measurements of two or more samples sometimes vary greatly in the measured responses.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I appreciate your continued tests and thoughts on this headphone Dale. I wonder if UE put in the effort to QC this headphone properly and it got more widely accepted for its superiority whether it would sell that much better as a result. I'm curios to try this headphone and it would be nice to have a noise cancelling one around even if it doesn't end up being my favourite.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
The good news, if your item is up to spec (whatever that might be), is good to outstanding sound for a great price. But the bad news is not good. Here's a few thoughts:

1. QC is iffy as far as defects go, but my experience so far suggests the UE's that are working do sound the same. My experience is limited so that could change.

2. Reviews of the 6000 are going to be universal - a mid-fi headphone for an OK price, based only on Passive mode. I see a few headfi users sneaking in very positive comments about the Active sound, but I'm confident their observations will get buried soon enough.

3. My contacts with Logitech show them to be basically non-communicative - i.e. "No replacement cables are available - goodbye."


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Just took a chance on these after hearing them in the apple store and being really impressed. Compared them to the Amperiors and they sounded a tad cleaner in the mids with a fuller bass. Isolation was obviously better but i could easily live with either.

Interestingly the last time i tried the amperiors in the store they didnt sound so good but that was in the mac area, not in the headphone station upstairs, which would appear to confirm Dales observation that some of the display pods are using lower quality audio files.


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Wow. With the noise cancell switch on the bass is brain rattlin! Kind of like it though. However i am having serious issues with the cable plug input. The slightest knock causes the right channel to go.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
kusum65 said:
Wow. With the noise cancell switch on the bass is brain rattlin! Kind of like it though. However i am having serious issues with the cable plug input. The slightest knock causes the right channel to go.

I had a very, very hard time getting the cable all the way in. There's a good chance yours isn't inserted fully. The plastic part just before the metal plug end should be flush with the plastic ring closest to the earpad, and it should actually be slightly inserted into the wider plastic ring closest to the outer part of the earcup.


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Thanks Dale. Sorted.

Like you i much prefer active. Passive does appear to have a veiled sound but i think i can live with the bass heavy active mode.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
kusum65 said:
Thanks Dale. Sorted. Like you i much prefer active. Passive does appear to have a veiled sound but i think i can live with the bass heavy active mode.

There are a couple headphones where I did a minor adjustment to the upper bass using Foobar2000, with the default equalizer, and also the optional 30-band equalizer that has very low distortion. If there's a chance it can make things more pleasant don't hesitate to give it a try. These things weren't available a few years ago. Even with my best 96 khz downloads in WAV format, kicking the better equalizer in doesn't audibly degrade the sound, although someone with a £2000 DAC might disagree...


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Im running itunes on a pc at the moment.

Had a commute today and used them with a ipod for the first time. They sounded great in passive, really enjoyed them.

They look like beats from a distance and i found myself getting looks from some dodgy people on my way back home.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Hi Dale,

After your reply on the noise cancelling question the other day and having found this thread i've decided to treat myself to a pair and picked them up today from an apple store.

Production issues asside, store demo model was broken and there were issues with another they opened so i got them to open another for me to try out. Back home i've been listening on my S3 and they are certainly giving me much better sound and detail i never new was there in my mp3s. I've been using Senheisser HD218i for commuting but they let a fair amount of noise in which was why i wanted to look at active noise cancelling.

However, there are a couple of concerns as to whether the new cans are ok and i was hoping you could shed some light.

1. The lead connection into the cans is very easy, almost too easy as no effort to remove. I don't see that it can go any futher and like yourself i'm no lightweight :) .

2. I wasn't really impressed with the noise cancelling. The power light was on and there was a distinct change to the music bass when active but i could still hear pretty much the same background noise it is reduced but barely noticible with no music playing and just switching on. What is your experience here, does this sould like a faulty pair?

As an asside i just couldn't get on with the Beats range. Bass seems overblown and detrimental to the rest of the sound or is it just me?




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