Logitech Bluetooth Speaker adapter


New member
Feb 16, 2014
Hi all,

Apologies if this is the wrong forum, but I picked the most general one to err on the safe side.

I've recently purchased a Marantz PM6005 and a Monitor Audio BX2s, not least due to the fine reviews from this very forum, and have been enjoying it immensley.

However, I also have a Logitech bluetooth Speaker adapter, and have been having some trouble with it. I have it hooked up via phono-phono to the Netowkr port on my marantz, and find that regardless of sound source on either my phone or laptop, the signal is crackly at the high end to the point of being unlistenable. Almost as though it was distorting.

Is this inherent of Bluetooth audio, do I perhaps have the device setup incorrectly, or could cheap cables be the problem (I do have to increase the volume on the amp considerably above what I do for the CD player)? or perhaps I have a duff unit? Does anyone else own this logitech device? :?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. thanks to the mods for unblocking my account, after a rocky start!
i think the bluetooth adaptor connects via 2 rca plugs,ie left and right out into left right in on the marantz,such as the cd in if your not using it or any other free input.
sure does. I've got it plugged into the 'network' RCA port. I don't think it's setup wrong, but the distortion/crackling is confusing me.
Just tried the bluetooth adapter using the 'CD' input on the amp. Also using the same cable as the CD player. The problem persists, although interestingly, the distortion is less pronounced when the 'source direct' feature is on. Thanks for your help so far. I wonder if the output level on the logitech is just really low and is distorting as I increase up to listenable volumes?
What is the volume on the streaming phone/laptop set at? Worth playing with that I reckon. Try a different cable as well, if you have spare. From what I can gather on the Logitech web site, assuming that is your unit, the volume output on it is fixed and there's no detail about the output voltage, but that is unlikely to cause this problem. They also give some troubleshooting advice.


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