pyrrhon said:
Hi Rick,
I was wondering how you like your gear now, and how does more agressive stuff play on the sugden ? The amp isnt too smooth?
I'm sitting in front of it all, right now actually still very much enjoying the overall sound. I bought the demo units of the Focals as it would have taken to long to get "new" ones in the colour I wanted, so I have the advantage of them being already run-in.
I've been reading through the rest of the thread with interest, what I meant by the "brightness" of the Kefs is probably better expressed as "harshness" yes, just certain frequencies were too agressive to my ears and made some of my listening material wearing on my ageing brain (namely Bowie's "Five Years", particularly the climax). The Focal/Sugden combo gives me very punchy bass, the tweeters of the Focals pick out great detail, there's wonderful separation of the layers fo the music.
In all, with the other combinations, I was listening very hard, trying to analyse what I liked/didn't like about what I was hearing, taking notes, trying hard to "get it right", but once the Sugden and the Focals were paired up I involuntarily forgot anout taking notes, I stopped analysing and was very surprised to find that I was just smiling. I was, quite simply, enjoying the music. That's what I was looking for all along.