I would not have commented if I had not read it and of course I knew it had won the booker. I buy.my wife the booker shortlist every year (cheap at the book people if you are interested) and many of the books are awful. I struggled to the end of Pi but wished I had not bothered.
It had plenty of failings and was too much of a 'book club' book but there were some really nice touches (the protagonist's religion/s, the creepy island) and I certainly would not dismiss it as worthless. Many people will get a great deal of pleasure out of it, and at 20p it is well worth trying. Plus it doesn't have any Coldplay songs in it! 😉
Well, he did capture the main themes plaguing the Indian society: corruption, dowry system (getting rarer now in bigger cities now), caste & class divide but went OTT with it. Corruption is there, but not so bad.