Less background noise . . .


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May 25, 2011
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I thought a little sideways thinking might be worth a try. The recent change to a 'ceramic ball bearing' in my P5 generated the following thoughts in my mind:

' . . . surprised at the reduction in vinyl noise, although I have seen it reported elsewhere. Begs a question in my mind; 'is what we hear as vinyl/surface noise actual that, is it bearing noise or a combination of bearing and surface noise'? . . . you could have knocked me over with a feather when I put Syd Lawrence on. I know it is (was) a noisy recording . . . '

Yep, Syd Lawrance and other LP's are much quieter now, is the noise reduction helping the perceived extra detail to come out as well as cleaning up the sound, making dynamics greater and even the extended tighter base, sharper transients???? In other words, a whole load of masking vails have been lifted?

Its my thoughts I am putting forward, not a fact, although the fact of 'quieter background noise' is obviouse to me, atributing the affects is another matter . . . that realy is my question?



Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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I'd guess it must be a combination, as surface noise definitely varies from disc to disc, whereas you'd expect bearing noise to be constant, perhaps if the bearing noise and surface noise have coincident frequencies they may reinforce each other, so reducing one may cause the combined effect to be more drastically reduced (horrible mangling of english there but you know what I mean)?


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