
New member
Aug 10, 2019
I curreently own a Pioneed PDP-LX6090 . I am wanting a 3D LED tv. I dont know whether to get the Full LED LG 55LX9900 or the Edge lit LED Sony KDL-60LX903 which are both out at the end of August. I need to know upfront so that I can get my order place.

I also don't quite understand why Sony have put edge lit on their Flagship Model and full array on models further down the range !!!!
I would keep your Kuro and wait until 3D technology matures. You will be taking a step backwards in terms of picture quality.
First of all: You must be crazy selling your Pioneer LX6090! Unless of course you are really hooked on 3D

Secondly: If you are this hooked on 3D I urge you to consider the Panasonic VT20 which most places figures as the reference on 3D performance.

Then to your point about edge lit vs back lit LED.
There are advantages and disadvantages for both approaches. I agree that back lit LED usually provides the superior results. Deeper black levels with the possibility of local dimming. On the other hand this local dimming tend to create halos around light objects on dark backgrounds.
Edge lit usually will not provide as deep black as the back lit sets, and furthermore several sets have backlight bleeding problems.

With the introduction of a modified LCD panal in the HX903 it appears however, that Sony are able to control local dimming even though the set uses edge lit LED, and the black level is still excellent.
hi tkratz , the hx903 is rear led lit
I would suggest waiting to see them before making that decision. The 6090 is a very good screen and although these panels could be better it will be a small step. The 65VT20 would be the obvious choice as it will deliver the plasma image that you have with the Pioneer.
I would suggest waiting to see them before making that decision. The 6090 is a very good screen and although these panels could be better it will be a small step. The 65VT20 would be the obvious choice as it will deliver the plasma image that you have with the Pioneer.
The main reason I have decided to sell if the power consumption of the Pioneer PDP-LX6090 compared to LED lcd's. I want to go away from plasma altogether. I know that the picture of any TV at the moment is not going to be as good as mine, but it was a weighing up the pros and cons and I feel now if the time to sell it, especially as they are still fetchng good prices second hand. As somebody else has mentioned, the Sony HX903 range are full array, but they only go upto 52" and I would'nt go less than 55" from my current 60" TV. Its a hard choice for me at the moment.

I really need to know when the LG and Sony are going to be reviewed in the Magazine.
i think you would be better off waiting till next year , the two tvs you mention have been found to suffer from 3d crosstalk in reviews , next years 3d lcds will be cheaper , well they should be , and that may offset any loss you may take on your kuro selling then as opposed to now ? and of course you should expect to get a better tv , though whether or not crosstalk can be ironed out of lcdtvs is still uncertain ..
maxflinn:hi tkratz , the hx903 is rear led lit

Max, you are right - as always

I mixed it up with the HX803. Sorry for the confusion.
Please could you tell me where you have seen reviews for the LG 55LX9900 and Sony KDL-60LX903
maxflinn:hi tkratz , the hx903 is rear led lit

Max, you are right - as always

I mixed it up with the HX803. Sorry for the confusion.
as always
, have you been drinking
s.andrews9898@ntlworld.com:Please could you tell me where you have seen reviews for the LG 55LX9900 and Sony KDL-60LX903sorry , i cant do that , it would be against house rules ...

i know the sony is not on sale yet , but there should be some demo sets in the various sony centres ? the lg is on sale , there should also be a few of them around , id be demoing both , its the only way to be sure imo ..
I have hunted everywhere on Google prior to my posts for both models and No reviews can be found. Sony Centre has advised me that nobody has had the Sony in for even themselves to see as still awaiting release as keeps being put back by Sony. Maybe I should wait a bit longer.
theres a review of the lg 47lx9900 in this months edition of whfi mag , on sale now , performance should be similar ..
Bought and read that review this morning, but cant gaurantee it will be same. I will hold out or just not bother with 3D and go for the 55LX8900 which got a good review.


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