know your rights?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
there have been a number of posts recently when ppl have questioned their rights whens things have gone wrong - do ppl think it would be useful to have a section that contains that information?

where it can be easily found with details of both uk and eu law.
If you search "EU law" in "search forums", all the relevant threads will come up.
there have been a number of posts recently when ppl have questioned their rights whens things have gone wrong - do ppl think it would be useful to have a section that contains that information?

where it can be easily found with details of both uk and eu law.
my only query would be that a legal person would have to verify that all the information is correct before posting it
as long as ppl attahched links to the relevant legal sections or where the info could be found that should be enough

no legal person would do it for free - charge by the post or min possibly

all the info is on the net just not always readily available and often have to do searches for specific examples but links to certain articals is very esay for example, sales of goods acts, distance selling regulations, trading standards are actually very very useful and unbiased

the reason retailers get away with so much is because a lot of ppl don't know their rights what i would say though is never lose your temper
again youll need to ensure the validity of those links

also consider what would happen if someone acted according to the information found on this forum which turned out to be incorrect

that would put the owner of the forum into a difficult position to say the least

i havent checked but doesnt which do this type of thing


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