Kef R500s with Audiolab power amps?


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2007
I currently use a pair of R500s with a Leema Elements amp and Elements DAC. Generally I really like the sound but often think the bass could be better controlled. I've also read reviews of the Kef R series that say they play well with low powered amps but improve and become more controlled with extra power.

This got me wondering about the Audiolab range of power amps. I could sell my Elements amp and buy either the 8200P, 2 x 8200M or 2 x 8200MB.

Does anyone know whether these amps are a good match for the R500s?

What sort of step up is there between each of the 3 options listed above?

Would all of them be an improvement on my integrated Elememts amp with my speakers?

I'm thinking of swapping an integrated amp for a power amp as my DAC includes a preamp.

If anyone can suggest better power amp matches for my speakers (not exceeding the cost of the Audiolabs), I would be grateful for the suggestions.

I have a strong preference for power amps with XLR inputs to save buying additional cables.

Many thanks


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2007
Hi David,

I'm currently using the outer bungs in the bottom ports only. I've tried every possible bung combination and usually land up removing them completely as the speaker sounds better overall but with a loose bass on SOME things.

Its a cycle I seem to forever be repeating which made me wonder about beefier power amps.

Frank Harvey

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
Is it loose, or is it just very low notes? Lower notes have a natural tendancy to sound a little less controlled.

ANyway, as far as matching KEF R series and Audiolab, they work great together. We have quite a number of customers who have gone for a KEF/Audiolab combination - for the money its a bit of a killer. The P, M's, or MB's will all work well, it's just a case of how well you want to drive them.

I'll have to reply a little later as we're just closing up... :)


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2007
Thanks David.

It's low notes but I would say they sound loose.

I'd be interested in your opinion on whether the Audiolab power amps offer an upgrade with my speakers when compared to the Elements.

Am I right in thinking that the 8200MB is the only power amp I listed that has an XLR input?

I know I'm talking about yet more money but how about the Cyrus X200? Do these work with the R500s and would their performance be head and shoulders above the Leema and Audiolabs?



Well-known member
Aug 27, 2007
Hi David,

Are you around today to share any words of wisdom following my reply above?

I hope you're not stranded in the snow somewhere!

Frank Harvey

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
The Leema amp works well with the R series, and if I was to change I'd be looking at the M's or MB's to make a worthwhile change.

You are correct in saying that the MB's are the only power amps with XLR inputs.

The current Cyrus X mono power amps (not the older Mono X) work extremely well with KEF Reference range, so with R Series it should be a doddle for them. You should find the X200's better both in respect of driving the speakers and overall quality. But the 8200MB's should do a very good job indeed. Only last week someone purchased the 8200MB's with R700's.

Obviously the best thing to do is to get a listen if you can.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
I use Cyrus X powers with R300 which work very well. I did audition the X300's which were breathtaking but the X powers were almost as good and I could not really afford the X300's so I figured I would upgrade in time.

I would recommend getting down to your local store as nothing beats a good demo day.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2008
Out of interest, do you use one x power in stereo mode, or two in mono?

i may be heading in this direction also, and have one x power currently (plus a dac XP).


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