Just tested the Clearer Audio Copper-Line Alpha mains cable - here are my findings...

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Hi Darren,

How's my commission looking?

Pistol Pete1:
Hi Darren,

How's my commission looking?


This post of yours certainly seems to be boosting possible future sales for clearer audio Pete ha

Personally I think the Fig 8 adaptors could put undue strain on the socket/connection If you feel that the adaptor is putting strain on the inlet (usually due to the position of the component and the weight of the cable pulling it down) then this can be helped by putting a small piece of wood (or similar spacer) under the adaptor to support it. I have not as yet had a customer report any problems with the adaptors. Hope this might be of assistance. Kind regards, Darren

Hmmm - Can just imagine the wife , you spent what on a cable and you need a bit of wood to hold it in place!! ...Plus it must be better to minimise breaks/changes in connections in the chain and of course I think they look pretty bulky sticking out the back. I've never had any issues with mine (I have bent cable up to minimise downward pressure) but used then at the time as it seemed only way to allow move to a better cable where now several audophile alternatives to the adaptor exist.
Hmmm - Can just imagine the wife , you spent what on a cable and you need a bit of wood to hold it in place!! ...Plus it must be better to minimise breaks/changes in connections in the chain and of course I think they look pretty bulky sticking out the back. I've never had any issues with mine (I have bent cable up to minimise downward pressure) but used then at the time as it seemed only way to allow move to a better cable where now several audophile alternatives to the adaptor exist.

Hi kena,

You should not notice a small spacer under the adaptor but I take your point in achieving the best aesthetics! Indeed putting an upward bend in the cable can help support the connection.

The reason why we do not offer a direct Figure 8 connector on our cables is that it has restrictions as to the diameter of the cable and gauge of conductors that can be fitted to it. Going outside of these restrictions invalidates the safety approvals - something that we are not prepared to do. This is why we use the adaptors since it does not restrict us on the design and safety of the cable.

Hope this helps clarify our position.

All the best,
jase fox:Pistol Pete1:
Hi Darren,

How's my commission looking?


This post of yours certainly seems to be boosting possible future sales for clearer audio Pete ha

Well many thanks for the interesting thread Pete - apologies but I do not offer commission even for myself!

All the best,

Hmmm - Can just imagine the wife , you spent what on a cable and you need a bit of wood to hold it in place!! ...Plus it must be better to minimise breaks/changes in connections in the chain and of course I think they look pretty bulky sticking out the back. I've never had any issues with mine (I have bent cable up to minimise downward pressure) but used then at the time as it seemed only way to allow move to a better cable where now several audophile alternatives to the adaptor exist.

Hi kena, You should not notice a small spacer under the adaptor but I take your point in achieving the best aesthetics! Indeed putting an upward bend in the cable can help support the connection. The reason why we do not offer a direct Figure 8 connector on our cables is that it has restrictions as to the diameter of the cable and gauge of conductors that can be fitted to it. Going outside of these restrictions invalidates the safety approvals - something that we are not prepared to do. This is why we use the adaptors since it does not restrict us on the design and safety of the cable. Hope this helps clarify our position. All the best, Darren

Yes appreciate that Darren , only point I'm making is alternatives exist to the adaptor which is no way ideal by any stretch of the imagination and these presumably don't have any safety issues , the Merlin certainly is a shielded cable and the RA one is only recent to the market after "lots of development alledgedly" to not compromise on quality and performance. Cheers Ken
Hi there, I have just browsed through this thread and find it all very interesting (I am jealous of those who have sockets exactly where required, or have the courage or know-how to fully optimise the mains supply). However, I am not really in a position to fully pursue hi-fi Nirvana (and doubt my kit really warrants it). Yet I am certainly interested in giving mains cables a go if they will boost the performance of my components further.

My question really is: how do you connect these splendid cables to the various components? All the talk seems to gloss over the exact hook-up aspect! I have the following:

Sony KDL-40W4000 HD TV

Marantz CD-63 II KI Signature CD-player

Audiolab 8000S amplifier

TDL RTL2 speakers

Sony ST-S261 tuner

Sony BDP-S350 Blu-ray player

Virgin Media V+ cable box

Philips VCR

These are all attached to a surge protector block on a 2m lead from a wall socket. I will be taking delivery of a Tacima 929 in the week, which can go into the second socket (of the dual socket I very bravely installed this weekend).

But how do the mains cables correctly fit in, particularly if some of the above have integral power cables? I feel I am ready to try this option, but (pardon my ignorance) I just need to understand the practicalities. If the answer is all very simple, then I will certainly order at least a couple of the Clearer Audio Copper Lines and give 'em a go. Oh, and which of the above should receive the first attention? Thanks for your guidance and patience.
Hi there, I have just browsed through this thread and find it all very interesting (I am jealous of those who have sockets exactly where required, or have the courage or know-how to fully optimise the mains supply). However, I am not really in a position to fully pursue hi-fi Nirvana (and doubt my kit really warrants it). Yet I am certainly interested in giving mains cables a go if they will boost the performance of my components further.

My question really is: how do you connect these splendid cables to the various components? All the talk seems to gloss over the exact hook-up aspect! I have the following:

Sony KDL-40W4000 HD TV

Marantz CD-63 II KI Signature CD-player

Audiolab 8000S amplifier

TDL RTL2 speakers

Sony ST-S261 tuner

Sony BDP-S350 Blu-ray player

Virgin Media V+ cable box

Philips VCR

These are all attached to a surge protector block on a 2m lead from a wall socket. I will be taking delivery of a Tacima 929 in the week, which can go into the second socket (of the dual socket I very bravely installed this weekend).

But how do the mains cables correctly fit in, particularly if some of the above have integral power cables? I feel I am ready to try this option, but (pardon my ignorance) I just need to understand the practicalities. If the answer is all very simple, then I will certainly order at least a couple of the Clearer Audio Copper Lines and give 'em a go. Oh, and which of the above should receive the first attention? Thanks for your guidance and patience.

Hi Esp

Looking at your kit id start by fitting a decent BRAIDED mains cable to your amp and plugging it straight into the wall (The tacima tends to steal power from the amp)~ braided because the braid itself will reduce mains bourne RFI

A decent cable to your cd player through the tacima (Personally id go with 16 core braided copper but anything will be a step up here)

Same with blu ray player

And the same with your tv (assuming it has a normal IEC). If it DOESNT have a normal IEC then id chop the cable about 3 inches from the tv and fit a silver plated FEMALE IEC then plug the cable into that

Id also fit a solid silver 2 core twist figure 8 mains cable to the virgin box

What interconnects and speaker cable do you have now?

Basics for hifi ~ make sure the blu ray player and cd player are sat on something free from vibration

Make sure the speakers are on something SOLID (Wont vibrate/move/wobble as they play)
That's irritating, the reply I slaved over and posted yesterday evening seems to have vanished into the ether! Having learnt the hard way, I will compose another in MS Word first and copy into the forum. Back later...
Thanks aliEnRIK for taking time to respond. Having lost last night's response to the ether, here is another try composed whilst I wait for some reports to run. Starting with the simple bits first:-

Interconnects - the Marantz is linked to the Audiolab via Cable Talk Studio 2.0 (0.5m) which cost the princely sum of £52.50 in mid 1996 - worth an upgrade? The Blu-ray is linked to the TV via a £20 HDMI, and the Virgin V+ to the TV via the as-supplied HDMI cable. Since the jury is still out (and arguing heatedly) over HDMI cables, I am reluctant to spend much on those! All other interconnects are
Tandy Gold Patch, which probably cost under £10 each in 1995, or thereabouts. Hmmm, maybe I should loosen the purse strings a bit now?

Speaker Cables - Cable Talk Talk 4.1 bi-wires (3m each) with bare soldered wire at the amp, and Arcam gold bananas at the speakers.

Speaker Setting - currently sitting pretty (complete with spikes) on attractive house bricks to isolate from carpeted, suspended wooden floor (yes, it's an old house, but the original floorboards have, at some point, been replaced by the equivalent of MDF - yuk!) I could try them without the bricks and see how they sound, but they will get hidden by a substantial sofa.

Components Location - As I type I can almost see the wince and hear the sharp intake of breath, but here goes.in the name of household harmony I'm afraid they all sit in a stout wooden cabinet which, by sheer coincidence and with judicious arrangement, just accommodates them in two tiers with a small gap on all sides. The Marantz sits on a Mission Isoplat, with the weight of the Audiolab, Sony tuner and Blu-ray on top (each with wooden block spacers). The VCR and V+ are stacked next to them. Yes, I know it's far from perfect, but compromises have had to be made.which is one good reason for trying to squeeze every ounce out of other enhancements. I may go out and re-stock with squash balls for improved vibration damping - the originals are 12 years old!

Power - none of the components possesses anything like a 'normal IEC' (based on the pictures in May's What Hi-Fi, pp58-59), and at least three have integral wiring. Therefore I assume I would be looking at chopping each cable at 3 inches and fitting the female IEC in each case? Without exposing anyone to accusations of bungs/back-handers/bribery
, can you recommend the best sources for these esoteric electrical goodies? B&Q? Wickes?

Don't you just love responding to questions of naive newcomers to the setup optimisation lark?

Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to help.
Hi Esp

Very well written little essay that

Id be tempted to buy some silver plated interconnects ~

All id suggest is buy everything from TM3 off ebay (Ive used them tons, and you cant do better for the price)



(Theyll take MONTHS to 'run in' by the way)

Speaker cable ~

Id be tempted to remove the banana plugs and connect direct to the cable (Or buy some silver plated SPADE connectors). Spray some CAIG DEOXIT into the connectors and on the bare wires (In fact id use it on EVERY connection you have. Including internally on plugs etc). Use some BRASSO on the plug pins too (Then spray them)

Speaker setting ~ id be tempted to blutack the bricks to the floor and make an MDF (or plywood or whatever) template to fit between the bricks and the speakers and spike the speakers into the wood (And blutack the wood to the bricks). The more solid the speakers the better the sound (Biggest change to my system by a country mile)

Location ~ not a lot you can do with that really

Power ~

Id go for THESE . (I said it wrong by the way ~ you need MALE IECs

THESE are cheaper (But not silver plated)

Id SILVER SOLDER the IECs to your equipment cords (They can be very tricky to screw down properly so I always solder them personally)

Im afraid neither the '16 core copper machine braided' mains cables nor the 'solid silver figure 8 cable' are on the site right now but rest assured they have them

Personally id buy the silver solder off them and send them an email detailing EVERYTHING you want and try to haggle a discount 😉
Thanks for the vote of confidence in my prose. I do try to maintain a certain standard.

Thanks also for a comprehensive response - I will check out the suggestions you have provided, even the humble Blu-tak (which, I admit, anchors my Mission 760i speakers to their Atacama SE24 stands) - the inventor of that substance should be knighted for services to hi-fi.

I can just imagine a certain someone walking into the room after I have sprayed anything that stays still long enough - how long does any (I presume there must be some) odour linger? She's away for a few days in May! Has anyone ever considered spouse-friendly products, I wonder?

Yes, I did wonder about the female adaptors, but in my ignorance assumed the name referred to the way they would fit around the power cable. All this gender changing is so very confusing!

Thanks once again, ESP

The 'deoxit' is odourless for starters, ive used it tons and never EVER noticed it afterwards.

Are the stands fillable? If so fill them with dry sand
Good news on the odour front.

Filling the stands? That was pretty much the first thing I did to them (much to the bewilderment of the chap in the garden centre when I told him what I wanted it for - I still had to purchase far more than I needed, and the balance now sits in the garden shed.) Anyway, the 760i speakers and stands have been relegated to storage for now.

On the a similar subject, here's something I stumbled on from another thread (Jan '08):

"...I checked out ebay and spotted 400mm x 300mm x 32mm marble slabs at £55+10 p&p each (this was the cheapest in the range)!

I've just joined, so was unaware of this thread, but strangely came to the same conclusion about Tesco's Finest Granite chopping block @ £9.75 a throw (don't take this literally or you may injure yourself throwing this weighty beast). Strangely, they measure 400mm x 300mm x 15mm. So I bought 4, stacked two under each speaker and added some polypods which in total cost me around £55. I tried one per speaker which was pretty good, but two per speaker seemed to tighten up the sound so much more. I look forward to giving my Mission 753s the same treatment. "

Maybe I'll replace the bricks with something a little more aesthetic. A chopping board and 2 halved squash balls was a set-up I recall seeing as a What Hi-fi recommendation back in 1995/96, and is what my CD-player has sat on ever since (until this past weekend's activities). Tesco here I come - "every little helps!"
Well yes. Ive used concrete slabs myself but the chopping boards are certainly intriguing (Might try them myself)
Hi , i have tried to locate this product on Richer sounds, amazon and Play without any success. Does anyone know where i can buy this online?? I have a 42'' panasonic plasma and while the picture is good, i am keen to try and get the best out of it and the reviews here seem positive. I currently have the Tv hooked up to ordinary SKY but i am on a waiting list for the HD pack.
Thanks liujol for your reply, only one thing that has me stumped. What does it mean by ''end termination' in the drop down select menu and what should i choose for my type of tv( Panasonic 42px80 )

Thanks in advance
Quick update - my local Tesco now sells a sexy black granite version of the marble chopping board: 200mm square 'trivets' for under £4 (will fit nicely for the speakers) and a 400mm x300mm chopping board for under a tenner (for separates). Not tried them yet, but we'll see.

Oh, and the Tacima arrived today. Can't say I am, as yet, blown away by any improvements, but maybe, just maybe there is an added clarity to the sound. At any rate, for under £30 I have some added peace of mind.
Would be interested on your thoughts on the Tacima as I'm thinking about whether it will make any difference. The power lead didn't seem to (hours of swapping from one to the other to the point where I really thought I needed my bumps felt!) though that might be that the Arcam Solo Mini just isn't sensitive enough to notice and big hand to Clearer Audio for excellent customer service. Maybe a mains conditioner might just give me that extra 1% (best book out another two nights for testing if I get one!)
Well, having only plugged the beast in this evening, and not being enthusiastic enough to keep swapping between power blocks, I have to admit that I am hardly a reliable source!
However, three things: 1) it isn't likely to harm the sound any; 2) it gives you a level of surge protection; and 3) if you're anything like me any extra tweak is worth trying in case you're missing that "extra 1%" as you say. For under £30 I was happy to give it a whirl. I am listening, even as I type, to Gordon Giltrap's 'As It Happens' and the clarity of the live acoustic guitar is just fine. Almost like being there. So, no complaints thus far, but not sure just how much difference it is really making.

Take a look through various other posts with a search for Tacima and see what a whole load of other folk think. Like me, you will probably find yourself overwhelmed by the various opinions! At less than £30 I think it's worth a try.


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