Ive heard it all now ????

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
I was in my local HIFI store yestday having a chat with the owners about all the new upcoming AV gear coming out & a couple came in (id say in there 50s) & they were asking about plasmas & lcds etc so i was also brought into the conversation. Well it was all going well the guy seemed to of understood the diff between the two, so hes obviously done his research, & then out of the blue he suddenly asks "how do you turn the plasma on? " well, as you can imagine there was a sudden silence between us all, we were all looking at ea other & back at the customer again & the owner just said "with the on & off button! he then replies "well i know that i just thought there may have been another way with it been like a new technology, he goes on to say that there isnt much diff then between the old CRT tvs & plasmas etc? Well i just made out i needed the toilet as i couldnt hold my laughter in lol as you know how hard it is to try not to laugh when you shouldnt ha. So does anybody else have any stories to top this one?? oh ye, & the guy was being totally serious as he was asked if it was a joke or not & he was gospel.
Is it any wonder that Comet and Curries etc are able to charge the prices that they do if this is the patronising attitude that awaits Joe Public should he dare to enter a "specialist" AV shop.

Anyone in their fifties will remember how different it was turning on an old CRT set and waiting for the tubes to warm up before the picture would slowly appear, compared to the near instantaneous response of later sets. Is it that unreasonable to assume that the latest technology may offer a further advance?

In these days of home automation, multi room entertainment systems and wireless streaming is it so hard to imagine a TV set that activates itself in response to verbal or visual commands, the opening of a door, the switching on or off of a particular set of lights, sitting in a particular chair, or even the switching on of another item of AV equipment?

I hope the gentleman in question took his business to a more forward thinking retailer.
Point taken: the dealer in question could have assured the customer that there was no special procedure involved, and that the set could be turned on using the power switch and/or the remote control (from standby).

I think it's the term 'plasma', with its slight sci-fi overtones, that some people find daunting.
I don't think that story is particularly funny. In fact I think it says a great deal about how ridiculously complicated the various manufacturers have made buying a Television. For the last 50 years the only really difficult decision was Colour or black and white. Now there is an whole assortment of different technologies, that most people have no clue as to which is better and why. I cringe at the number of people who have bought LCD TV's only to watch SD signal. The picture stinks on many of these sets, and far from the glorious future the manufacturers would claim, they have taken picture quality back 25 years. I am not at all surprised that someone has no idea how to turn it on.
I still fail to understand how cars have been accepting voice commands for over ten years now and yet no TV or hi-fi product available in joe-public's local dealer sells a product that could possibly do the same thing!
Hughes123:I still fail to understand how cars have been accepting voice commands for over ten years now and yet no TV or hi-fi product available in joe-public's local dealer sells a product that could possibly do the same thing!

Cos Gordon Ramsay would keep switching tellies off around the country.
Is it any wonder that Comet and Curries etc are able to charge the prices that they do if this is the patronising attitude that awaits Joe Public should he dare to enter a "specialist" AV shop.

Anyone in their fifties will remember how different it was turning on an old CRT set and waiting for the tubes to warm up before the picture would slowly appear, compared to the near instantaneous response of later sets. Is it that unreasonable to assume that the latest technology may offer a further advance?

In these days of home automation, multi room entertainment systems and wireless streaming is it so hard to imagine a TV set that activates itself in response to verbal or visual commands, the opening of a door, the switching on or off of a particular set of lights, sitting in a particular chair, or even the switching on of another item of AV equipment?

I hope the gentleman in question took his business to a more forward thinking retailer.

Oh dear thats hit a nerve!! the actual retailer was very professional about it, it was me that found it funny!! & the gentlemen was in his 50s not 80s!!
Very Annoyed:I don't think that story is particularly funny. In fact I think it says a great deal about how ridiculously complicated the various manufacturers have made buying a Television. For the last 50 years the only really difficult decision was Colour or black and white. Now there is an whole assortment of different technologies, that most people have no clue as to which is better and why. I cringe at the number of people who have bought LCD TV's only to watch SD signal. The picture stinks on many of these sets, and far from the glorious future the manufacturers would claim, they have taken picture quality back 25 years. I am not at all surprised that someone has no idea how to turn it on.This is a tv were talking about turning on? not flying the space shuttle!!
WOW! Some people need to chill out a bit! If it was dealt with correctly then surely we can appreciate the funny side of it. I expect 'You've been framed' is seen as exploitation by some of you eh?? 🙂
HA,HA...chill out indeed,i cannot see how anyone could not find that story a little amusing and hopfully the customers were dealt with in a proffesional manner by the assistant.I come on this site to gain knowledge and understanding of av kit from people who i'm hoping know more than myself,and thankfully do,and im sure,that over the years i will probably ask questions that will obtain a few laughs from the Messiah's and Profhat's alike.I've been loving my home cinema for about 10 years now and everytime i pick up a new magazine or click on a website i still get confused with all the new jargon and technology.I'ts nice to know that im not the only one who ask's the odd silly question now and again
Chill out indeed.It is funny.Most retailers won't laugh ,only the spectators do. Its their right if they find it funny..As a general rule.although not watertight, if you are technically inept at fifty ,you were at twenty.But not necessarily vice versa.Just because things change,doesn't mean you have to lose track permanently.Amazing how many people on this site name themselves so appropriately.
Ravey Gravey Davy:Chill out indeed.It is funny.Most retailers won't laugh ,only the spectators do. Its their right if they find it funny..As a general rule.although not watertight, if you are technically inept at fifty ,you were at twenty.But not necessarily vice versa.Just because things change,doesn't mean you have to lose track permanently.Amazing how many people on this site name themselves so appropriately.I couldnt agree with you anymore Ravy, my dads 63 & even he knows technology has changed that much from turning a damn tv on!! What made this situation even more funny is that the customer was like a "david brent" character ha
yes i thought that was funny guys get a life..i thought when people have over a grand to spend on a lcd-plasma they did there homework..thats why this and other mags sell so well cos people have a brain..if someone asks me whats good whats not i send to the newspaper shop a buy a copy of WHF and that well give them a good ground base to start, going into a shop not knowing jack gets you pants..i'll never get over the number of people who buy rubbish none name tv's from woolworths and others when they had enough money for a good brand name..no one is born with infinite knowledge some of us just choose to look it up..


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