ITV HD on Sky HD?


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Aug 10, 2019
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How come i can't receive ITV HD on my Sky HD box? is it because ITV have not realeased it to SKY? if this is the case why have they done this and will Sky ever be able to broadcast ITV HD?

John Duncan

Well-known member
Yes, currently exclusive to Freesat. The mechanism exists to put it on Sky, though there are commercial considerations - it may not suit either Sky or ITV financially for it to be on there (am not party to which).


Well-known member
technically itv hd isn't a channel. its an interactive service, and until itv make it into a proper channel sky wont be able to utilise it.

there's all sorts of rumours floating about on the dedicated satellite forums as to why itv have gone down this road, but who know's.

lets not forget though that when sky launched it's digital service back in the late 90's, itv wasn't in the original channel line up, even though the 103 spot was reserved on sky for them


Well-known member
rumours like not wanting to pay sky for a spot on their epg. keeping it exclusive to freesat, old rivalries etc.

not saying i buy into any of them btw, i reserve judgement as i'm not in the know, and they're rumours