Itunes Housekeeping solutions Needed


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I have a love hate relationship with Itunes, I am trying to stick with it as I know that it has a lot to offer however there are certain things that wind me up. My main issue is with regards to folders within Itunes. It seems that when I download music which i have purchased it creates a folder within the Itunes leaving me with music all over the place and have mess around moving songs. Is there a way that I can have my music downloaded to just one folder which I can create and nowhere else? Would it Help if I back everything up & uninstall Itunes and start again?
On Windows

Edit - Preferences, Advanced tab

Specify the root directory you want music to go to. Then put a tick in "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organised"
You can also consolidate your library which puts all music on the itunes folder installed in My Music. But that is only useful if you want it there.
In the advanced settings you can specify exactly where you want the music library to be stored - it doesn't have to be in My Music - consolidate will then put it in the desired place
Thanks guys I think I may have resolved my problem now. In preferences/Advanced I took of the tick on "Keep Media Files Organised' & also changed Media folder location & created a new location on my Mac HD.
One thing that is still bugging me is?? Lets say I rip a CD via Itunes by Ministry for arguments sake why does it create a folder called Ministry when all I want to do is rip the tracks into my specific music folder nothing more?


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