iTunes Conversion Question


New member
Aug 10, 2019
iTunes offers the option of converting digital mp3 to Apple lossless...........Can anyone explain where the extra digital information comes from. Just tried it on a couple of songs originally 128k bit rate and after conversion ~800k bit rate.

If I can see how downwards conversion works but upwards completely baffles me unless the extra bit rate is just padding. If the digital information wasnt there to start (128k), how can you convert it up?
It doesn't because it can't. The convert to Apple Lossless function is for AIFF files.
Well....if I right click on any file it will give me the option to convert and will show the converted file with a huge increase in bit rate.

It says it has converted the file although I cant hear any difference between the original and the conversion
Sorry, I put that wrong - it can transcode them, but it can't magic up the extra data you just end up with a file ten times the size but with no audible benefit.
Eddie Pound:
Get the CDs back out and rip losslessly.

I am just about to start ripping CD's.....just as well I hadn't done them already....

On another note....can you have 2 separate libraries in iTunes? with lossless and another with lower bit rates for my iPod???

Oooops....just found out how to hav e multiple libraries....Thanks


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