iTunes ALAC downloads - A CAMPAIGN!


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
Right then, a pal in-the-know has told me that Apple takes the feedback/suggestions that it receives via its Apple Feedback microsite-thingy very seriously. So, if Apple receives sufficient requests for the iTunes Store to supply ALAC-quality downloads, then Steve Jobs might, just might, 'flick the switch'? [😉] iTunes Feedback site here -
feedback sent.
ive sent feedback loads of times... over 3 years... maybe im not shouting load enough 🙂
redlion:ive sent feedback loads of times... over 3 years... maybe im not shouting load enough 🙂
Then join our 'one, true voice'

Thanks for responses, folks
requested this ages ago! will add to this one anyway. edit: added!

if itunes goes full-rez alac I will update all the tracks I have the same day! Apple, my cash is waiting.

I was also thinking of a similar campaign and hinted before that whathifi, being THE mainstram hifi mag, could really support such a campaign (although it probably would have to be not specifically directed at apple but at hi-rez downloads in general).
I've added my feedback too.

I just cannot believe that no one offering a download service (i.e. who already has all the infrastructure in place) has cottoned on to the fact that there is a huge market out there of people who take the sound quality of their music seriously, but want the convenience of being able to download it. The first company that offers this for 'mainstream music' will make a killing and be regarded very fondly ever more by a lot of people.
Dan Turner:

I've added my feedback too.

I just cannot believe that no one offering a download service (i.e. who already has all the infrastructure in place) has cottoned on to the fact that there is a huge market out there of people who take the sound quality of their music seriously, but want the convenience of being able to download it. The first company that offers this for 'mainstream music' will make a killing and be regarded very fondly ever more by a lot of people.
i agree but maybe it is just us. 200+ views on a hifi forum and only about 6 replies.i guess thats what companys like apple no that its just a small minority that care
I think you need to mention that having a ALAC option, in itself still isnt good enough.

We dont want just want 16bit 44.4KHz; standard CD resolution available to download, but want high resolution 24bit 96KHz/192KHz downloads.

Hopefully then, if record lables saw an increase in demand for high Rez downloads, then they wouldnt uses loads of compression on the new music being released, and actually spend some time, putting together a decent sounding record.
Of course if you said you wanted ALAC downloads, and would pay £2.99 a track rather than 99p or whatever, you might get those in the Infinite Loop to sit up and take notice.
Andrew Everard:Of course if you said you wanted ALAC downloads, and would pay £2.99 a track rather than 99p or whatever, you might get those in the Infinite Loop to sit up and take notice.

True, but surely given what little additional effort/infrastructure it would take for them to offer a lossless or uncompressed download there's no justification for making it more expensive than buying the CD on the high street? I don't think it would be a great success if they did, because no right-minded person would pay it.
Andrew Everard:I didn't say it should be that expensive, but rather suggested a way of getting Apple to pay attention.

Ah I see. I guess that would make them pay attention
I think you need to mention that having a ALAC option, in itself still isnt good enough.

We dont want just want 16bit 44.4KHz; standard CD resolution available to download, but want high resolution 24bit 96KHz/192KHz downloads.

Hopefully then, if record lables saw an increase in demand for high Rez downloads, then they wouldnt uses loads of compression on the new music being released, and actually spend some time, putting together a decent sounding record.

Therein lies the rub. No point in having high quality files of rubbish recordings. There has been a slight swell in the "right" direction so hopefully this will increase and the quality of recording will improve.

I have added to the campaign though. By the way.
Again, thanks for the support

However, at time of writing, this thread's been viewed by 482 hifi 'enthusiasts', yet only c. 18 have responded.

Either very few people actually care about sound quality or folks are sending Apple feedback but not responding to the thread - let's hope it's the latter...
Andrew Everard:Next week: We demand to have Mount Everest moved two feet to the left

Cue sucking of teeth: "Maybe manage the week after next... but it'll soon be Xmas, so can't promise... need you to supply the materials... and'll need paying in cash cos my lads are all Chinese, like."
The truth is some of us couldn't give two hoots what Mr Jobs does with iTunes. If it wasn't for the ipod I would have taken him off my Xmas card list a long time ago. Anyone going to ask Mr Gates to make a bit perfect version of WMP13...? Probably an even lower response ratio.
6th.replicant:Either very few people actually care about sound quality or folks are sending Apple feedback but not responding to the thread - let's hope it's the latter...

I sent feedback last week but didn't update here if that makes you feel better

Mind you, even if they were available, I'd probably still generally buy the CD and rip as I still prefer playing CDs during proper listening sessions.
Feeback sent although i really dont care about the issue. When i want something with better quality than what i get on spotify i buy the CD. CDs are soooo cheap now and there is nothing like having the real deal in the collection.