Itchy trigger finger


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2007
Click click click... click... clack clack clack, tap tap clack. Click. (Sequence shortened for demonstrative purposes).

There went two hundred quid... I really think that online companies should flash an "are you sure?" message before allowing sizeable purchases at 3.30 in the morning.

Still, two pairs (biamp) of terminated QED Revelation on the way...

Have you used QED Revel. ?, can they better the Chord Odyssey 2 ? - Can the QED Revel be used in a setup like CA amp+cdp plus MA RS6 setup ?

Reminds me of the time I was a bit worse for wear one night and I "accidently" bought a studio replica size millenium falcon from Master Replicas. It was signed by Harrison Ford and came in it's own museum case with mirrored bottom. It was just shy of two grand! Luckily my bank thought it was a fraudulent purchase and stopped the purchase but didnt inform me. So by the time I did it had been sold to someone else! True story that! I kind of wished I had it now though!
It's very good cable I must admit...

I wasnt sure about it at first so went back to my Chord Carnival Silverscreen (still a superb cable IMO)

Well the Chord didnt last long and ended up on eBay after a week and the Revelation is back in place currently

I do think that to better it you'd have to go for the likes of the Chord Oddyssey
This cable certainly was a revelation to me, the bass just disappeared.

Hope it suits your system better than mine.

So, Chord Odys. is better than QED Revel. ? Since am using SA XT now, will the Revel. be more superior or same signature.


The QED Revelation is better than the Silver Anniversary yes; by a long shot!

It's a very good cable indeed IMO
This cable certainly was a revelation to me, the bass just disappeared.

Hope it suits your system better than mine.

Never had that problem TBH; the bass is VERY good in my system, bloomin good in fact!


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