jcbrum said:
Of course 'good quality audio' isn't timeless . . .
It's the music that is 'timeless' . . .
Sadly its the mediums that are suspect, like most things in life, something gets to a point where it is so enjoyable, then some numpty says . . . "I can re-invent the wheel" from there on in, itsdown hill all the way, not very comfortable on a square wheel?
Being of the 60's, 70's and 80's, I have witnessed the process, better from 60 to 70 and again into the 80's. From there on in its been pile em high sell em cheap???? well not to cheap, the manufacturers want to live in the style they had become used to. Use a bit of smoke and mirrors, do some wool pulling over eyes, pull a few stings, grease a palm or three, and we find ourselves with a bright, soulless presentation that all the youngsters think is wonderfull . . . :?
Is good quality audio timeless . . . how about, "has the modern public actualy heard that timeless audio, do they realy care"?
My cynical and personal view . . . . . . Did I say the mediums are suspect, modern music is so poor, manufactured, computerised, tallentless? . . . I now retire to a quiet corner and watch the fireworks . . .