Ipod Speakers - Under £100

You can do better than that.... Try any of these:

CyrusLink LinkMiniTwo - £80

Logitech MM50 - @£50

Logitech AudioStation Express - £80

Intempo iDS-05

AltecLansing InMotion IM4 - £70

XtremeMac Luna - £69
Hi Clare. I do agree with a number of suggestions for ipod speakers but I would not discount the I Want iw500, which having heard them against some of the ones you have mentioned are as good or even better sounding than most. Have WHF tested this particular model against the others or are you unable to get hold of the IW500.


We've heard it - we're out checking-out kit all the time - but not done an official test yet.

We could fill a magazine with MP3 add-ons, and try to focus on as many of the big-name and widely available brands as possible.

Glad you think it's another good option - taking your iPod round and having a real go at these things, to check they tick all the right usability as well as performance boxes, is a good move if you're taking our advice or not.
Hi Ed/Clare...

I have done a bit more digging - it turns out that "I Want It" can only be purchased through Dixons (Currys/PC World). This is OEM manufactured, cheap quality, Chinese rubbish - I have to say that I am very suprised that you have even considered to waste the time and space discussing Dixon's own-label product!

I most certainly DON'T want it.... Having tried and tested in PC World - even entry level product - at around same price points - knocks spots off this trash ....

Regards - Sarah
Hi Sarah,

Hence my response about all the other products you can buy that better it!

But don't discount all own-label products: some of Tesco's Technika stuff, for example, isn't bad for the money.

And if we ignored everything made in China, we'd have a very, very thin magazine - and miss out on some of the best-quality products on the market, from the Apple iPod to high-end hi-fi speakers!
Hi Sarah. In reply to your comments I would point out that the "I want It" can be obtained from ebay at a cheaprer price than the two stores named,as this is where I bought mine, after hearing it being used with my ipod at a Currys store. As Clare says we would be in a right mess if it was not for quite a number of items that are made in China under control of some very important UK and US firms. Still as I say, if you buy something and after hearing other equipment and decide to buy what you heard first, you alone have made the rigth choice, let your ears do the listening.

I can't find a supplier for the Cyruslink LinkMini Two. Even the Cyrus website doesn't seem to acknowledge it's existence. Any ideas?

Cheers, fekdrink.
Amazon UK saying currently unavailable:

It's not a product widely available online, it seems. You can do a search for all the Cyruslink stockists near you here (simply choose Cyruslink from the 'Product range' drop-down menu)
I wonder if we're kinda going through a phase, in which noted hifi companies give the dock thing "a go", and then move on. Monitor Audio have left the scene, so have Cyrus, the Tannoy i30 is being sold off cheap at Amazon it seems... at least I managed to grab an i-deck for 80 quid before they vanished. And I just bought an iGroove just in case. These docks are handy things, it'd be a shame to wind up having to choose between an inTempo and a Gear4...

B&W and KEF have entered the fray, albeit at the pricey end, so there's still hope I suppose. Meanwhile, would they Aego M be worth considering? I haven't heard it but many rave about it and it's currently 90 quid, though I'm told the price may be going up in future...
oops, sorry I edited my post and added in the B&W before seeing your reply. But yeah, it certainly looks the business. For that sort of money, I think I'd be tempted to go all-out for the mini Ferguson-Hills, though they look like they need an entire wall to themselves...
Cyruslink is available through M&S !! Spent ages trying to find a retailer!!



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