iPod Classic wont Sync


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I had a new iPod Classic 80GB for Xmas and all was working fine until I recently decided to reimport alot of my music into iTunes at Apple Lossless from the original CD's.

As i was doing it i soon realised that my laptops weedy 40GB HDD would not hold the amount of songs I wanted so I bought a 500GB portable HDD (I wont bore you with the details as thats not what I want to know about).

So i manually managed my music whilst i was reimporting and fiddling about with things so i could still use my ipod, eventually after many days of reimporting CDs and songs from my collection and borrowed from friends my big day came and I clicked sync ipod (and here's my problems began).

It managed to sync about 200 or so songs onto my ipod before it stopped dead and came up with error 50 (or something similar) saying that the harddrive could not be found. So i ejected my ipod and it began to reset itself so then i had no music on my ipod. I repeated this process many times and i updated all my itunes software and ipod software but still the same error of harddrive cannot be found.

So i returned my ipod to John Lewis where i bought it from in November last year and they told me thay had to send it back to Apple so the did (this was two weeks ago). They then rang me today and said that the ipod was fine Apple had said it was fine and John Lewis has checked it and found no problems, so they cannot exchange my ipod.

Where do I stand now? I have an ipod that clearly is good for not much more than and ornament and they can see no problem with it? Should I get my ipod back and photograph my laptop while the error is being displayed? Or has someone out there got a magic solution for me to fix my ipod?

All help will be greatly appreciated

Thanks Ben
At the risk of the wrath of the cable-police descending.... i've heard of several cases of this where a faulty USB cable is to blame.
[quote user="Clare Newsome"]At the risk of the wrath of the cable-police descending.... i've heard of several cases of this where a faulty USB cable is to blame.[/quote]

Evidence, if further evidence were required, that cables are a crucial part of your system.

But addressing the issue, having done a migration between hard drives in iTunes, I would first check that iTunes thinks all the files are in the place they are - I had big issues with this, and ended up having to delete the library files and do a consolidation before iTunes knew correctly where everything was. Unless I misread and its the iPod that can't find its own hard drive, in which case, yeah - you're stuffed.
Thanks for your quick reply, I dont think that it can be the cable or a problem woth my 500GB HDD because i have tried my mums 2nd Generation 8GB Nano and that synced until the ipod was full. I used the same cable and same HDD.

As i beleive it the error that i get refers to the ipods HDD not being found becuase it sometimes also says ipod not found.

Do i have a legal right to a new ipod or can the keep sending it back to Apple to run a diognostic?

Thanks Ben
I have just downloaded iTunes 7.6.2 which i beleive to be the latest version unless i am very much mistaken, before i sent my iPod away i restored it and searched for new software and it had the latest 1.1 (I think but dont quote me on this)

Excuse my ignorance by flashing you mean simply installing the latest iPod software?

Thanks Ben
On the iPod itself, yes.

Can you confirm that iTunes thinks all the files are where they should be? Ones which don't will have a little icon next to them.............
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]On the iPod itself, yes.

Can you confirm that iTunes thinks all the files are where they should be? Ones which don't will have a little icon next to them.............[/quote]

Yes all of the songs play in iTunes itself so iTunes knows where the files are. Also all of my music is in one folder on my HDD and itunes is set to that folder
Unfortunately iv already tried with no success.

I've have just downloaded the latest version on itunes and i will update the software on my ipod when i get it back tomorrow.
Hmmm, well if the latest software doesn't fix it, I'm stumped... can you get to an Apple store? You could book a session at the Genius Bar and show them your problem first hand. Of course if it works fine there, you know then something else in your system is screwy, not your iPod...
Thanks ill contact my local Apple Store and see what they have to say. I had throught the same as you (that it might be a problem with my system somewhere) however i have still been running my brothers iPod shuffle 2Gen from my laptop and i borrowed an iPod Nano 2Gen 8GB and that worked just fine it filled up until there was no more room, and i used the same set up and the same USB cable.

Thanks for everyone help ill contact Apple latyer on today and ill keep you all informed on the problem.

Thanks again Ben

Well i said that i would keep you all informed about my iPod troubles so here goes.

After Apple having run a diognostic and finding nothing wrong with my iPod I went to fetch it today from John Lewis and they had basically restored and updated the software on my iPod the exact same thing that I did before it went away. When I got home i downloaded and reinstalled the latest version of iTunes that was released while the iPod was away and by some kind of a mirical my iPod now works absolutelly fine.

Thanks to everyone who tryed to help me out with this problem you have all been a real help.
Really pleased that your iPod is working again, at least you proved that you should never give up and it is nice to have so many people on this site, who will do all they can to help you with your iPod tecno problem.


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