interconnects and speakers cables to reduce treble brightness of the system

course ... I apologize!

currently have a av receiver pioneer 918, with a player pioneer 610 as a source, and a MA RX6 brand new.

I'm looking for a new stereo AMP, but until then ....

as I PROFIGOLD oxypure interconnects and speaker cable as SUPRA 2.5 classic ....

thank you very much
I imagine that an AV amp and DVD source will sound bright whatever cables you use. And Monitor Audio are always known for being a bit bright.
You are not going to achieve much with cables.

The Pioneer has a bright clinical sound,which combined with the M/A.

To balance it out try a Yamaha or Denon A/V receiver which have a warm sound, or out the speakers...
I had a pioneer combo years ago, (can't remember the model sorry) under my hifi friend's influence, I too was inpsired to try out cables to improve my system's sound.

I went from stock cables to chord cobra I/C, QED anniversiry s/c, I wouldn't say there was "no" improvement, but couldn't hear much difference. I'd say save your money for now, and use it on other components first, the amount of money you spend on decent cables, you should be able to strech it a little and get a decent 2nd hand amp, or speakers.

Maybe 2nd hand arcam or Nad amp for a start? Get something for pure music listening and it will reward you, and what type of music are you into?



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