Interconnect for Cyrus combo


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

I am using AudioQuest Jaguar in my system (Cyrus CD8x & 8vs2)and now looking for a possible upgrade on this link in the hope of a more detail and refine sound.
One of my option is AudioQuest Colorado and the other is Chord Chrous 2.
Please share your point of view on both cable and I'm delighted to have your recommendation!

Thanks / Ben

I am not familiar with the Audio Quest Jaguar so cant comment, however I have recently upgraded from the Chord Chorus to Chord Anthems - the jump in enhanced detail and bass extension was worth every penny. Both the Chorus & Anthems are great up-grades and work will with Cyrus.
The Chords are great, but - as Igglebert suggests - I would also try Cyrus' own cables, which (unsurprisingly) are a superb match for the electronics.
Yep I use Cyrus' own interconnect with my all Cyrus setup and it sounds spot on. Unsurprisingly. Surprisingly it's been removed from the new WHF Buyers Guide... ?!?

Hi all,

Thank you for your input, but my country do not have Cyrus cable being sale... I've try to search it on online shop but most shop do not handle international shipment.


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