imp silver knight interconnects


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Aug 10, 2019
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hi, i just want to share with you what i believe is an excellent cable, the silver knight solid from i.m.p. audio. i have a cyrus set up, prexvs with 2 smartpower + and cd8x with spendor s3e's. i used cyrus inter connects throughout and whilst i had a good sound it was always a little bass shy with rock music. i tried a silver knight between cd and amp and was really impressed with the subtle improvements throughout the range but especially with the bass which immediately gained more weight and was more pronounced. i then decided to replace the pre amp to powers with another and suddenly my denon dab sounded so much clearer too. i was sceptical that i would improve upon the cyrus lead but it was a real revelation. i intend to demo their ultimate cable when i can afford it, there is a money back guarntee, which the makers say is in a different league altogether, i recommend these cables to anyone especially anyone using cyrus equipment.


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