3937edwards:hi nick thanks again for your valuable input into plasma i have taken it of dynamic and now in standard done a bit of adjusting picture seems to be better you say that plasmas need to settle down as the cells are more excitable for the first 2-300h does this mean that the picture will inprove over time ie blacks getting blacker etc which meaning adjusting picture every 6 months or so regards andrew
Exactly! The first 2-300 hours are crucial to a plasma tv as the cells behave differently up to this point, a bit like an over excited child is the best way to describe it. As the screen gets more use then they start to settle down and this is why it needs recalibrating to take this effect into account, you are right that black levels and contrast will change over time simply because of the cells settling down and thus recalibrating is needed. After the first year they should have settled down to a consistent level and thus recalibration shouldn't be so much of an issue and needed perhaps once a year just to make sure that the levels haven't fluctuated.
Hope that is of some help to you and that you are still happy with your purchase? I saw your other thread about the picture blanking out and was going to reply to that aswell as i thought that was the now infamous sky box issue some people have had, did you solve the issue in the end? Didn't see the point in posting that comment on the other thread whilst i was writing this reply on this one.
Best regards