I.US Media PC


New member
Aug 10, 2019
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Hello All,

This is my first post, I'm unsure as to whether this is the correct forum section although I'm sure the post will be moved or I'll be informed but here goes.

I've had a media PC in my living room for quite a few years now and it's changed it's appearance and specification quite radically. Starting life as a SFF PC to a normal sized PC and mini tower (hidden). The media PC market has never really caught on and I can see why. I still don't think the market will come alive with products such as Playstation 3 offering similar abilities.

My current PC is a Shuttle SP45H7 with an LG HD DVD / BD drive (yes I bought it before the war was one and have a movies collection on both media), 128Gb Samsung PB22-J SSD, 4Gb RAM, Sapphire ATI 4860 Arctic, 19 in 1 card reader. Software wise is has W7 Home Premium, Kaspersky, Cyberlink, Nero, AnyDVD HD. Connection to the TV is via HDMI. My music is serviced by a Netgear ReadyNAS duo (RAID 1) and playback is via WMC.

Anyway, my question is the I.US Media PC's are clearly based on the Shuttle (or Shuttle cases) but they cost an extortionate amount of money (my build is a fraction of that). What is in the PC ? What software comes supplied ?

Just wondering what it would have over and above mine (smaller graphics card maybe and an Asus HDAV ?). Thanks.


Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone seen this before? Bueller ? Anyone ?

Ok, so I think the total cost of mine was aprox £700 including O/S, the single most expensive component being the SSD. The graphics card takes two slots so it can't take an HDAV, specialist sound card or TV Tuner card.

I'm looking to upgrade the graphics to a new ATI 5670 card that offers TrueHD and DTS Master bitstreaming (I'm not sure how this is done as the bandwidth maybe restricted). Anyone have experience of piping HiDef sound via these cards ?

I'd also like to gauge people's opinion on the Acer Revo, are you using 7.1 and if so is it HiDef ? (I looked at the Asrock ION but it's 5.1 only).