I need a new system and need Virgin advice.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I can read the mag but I really need a bit of informed advice from someone with an independent view.

I watch too much TV mainly sky sports and the odd movie, I use Sky and am about to take out a sky HD subs.

I need a TV and have a good budget. I rarely play audio but when I do it would only be CD's or MP3's.

I have a big room. with solid floors, about 25 feet by 45feet. Reading the mag I am more confused than ever I do not want to do cheap for cheap sake but I doubt I would get best use out of a £10-15k system!!!

I need a 50" for the room size and my speakers have to be high up on brackets cos I have the wirinh already in the wall and have just decorated.

Please can someone give an old git some practical advise on what is a realsitic solution for someone is not made about movies or music but would like a good system to watch football on sky and occaisionally play music?

I phoned one some and started talking Naim and mission and £20k and quite frankly ended up more confused than ever god knows what I would do with blue ray and a sepcial £400 programmed TV remote?

Please help as need to go shopping soon......
Well, the first bit of advice is to set a rough budget. At least have an idea in your mind about how much is the maximum you'd be willing to spend on a set-up, no matter how amazing or modest it may be. It's hard for anyone to advise without having a ballpark budget to work to. Secondly, when buying a tv, figure out what you think your exact viewing distance will be. When I was shopping, I counted the number of paces from the tv I would be anytime I went to view a sit. Depending on your viewing distance, you might find 50" to big or too small for the room. Don't limit yourself before you've started looking around. Like you say, it is a large room, so it's good to go and talk to dealers and have a floor plan in mind so they advise you. Depending on how you're placing the speakers around the room, small style packages might struggle to create a good soundscape whilst certain larger speakers might not be happy high up on brackets close to the walls. If you've got somewhere like a local Richer Sounds, it could be a good starting point.


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