I/Cs between CD & Pre/Pre & Power. Should they match?

Big Chris

New member
Apr 3, 2008
I currently use Kimber Silver Streaks between my CD and integrated amp.

If I was able to buy a power amp, would I have to use another pair of Silver Streaks to connect integrated to power?

Silver Streaks aren't cheap, so I'd probably look at two matching pairs of a different I/C. (Atlas seem to be going cheap at present).

Any other recommendations? I had some VDH 'The Bay' I/Cs years ago, but they were dull, dull, dull. I like the sound of my Kimbers.
There is no need to use to same cables through out the rig although many think if the cables has the same resistance (impedance matching) will result in well balance sound. As for recommendation, I am not up to date with newer products really. I use to like Cardas and Vitual Dynamics, the latter sadly has now gone bust. Atlas Voyager also recomended for fighting well above its own rrp.
Big Chris:

I currently use Kimber Silver Streaks between my CD and integrated amp.

If I was able to buy a power amp, would I have to use another pair of Silver Streaks to connect integrated to power?

Silver Streaks aren't cheap, so I'd probably look at two matching pairs of a different I/C. (Atlas seem to be going cheap at present).

Any other recommendations? I had some VDH 'The Bay' I/Cs years ago, but they were dull, dull, dull. I like the sound of my Kimbers.


I love kimber cables too, I use Kimber 8tc speaker wire and still use the kimber pbj on some applications. I use to use vandenhul 102 III, but were not as good as the budget kimbers, I found the vandenhul harsh in the mids. Chord chamelon silver plus are quite good not as transparent and detailed as your silver streak, a little warmer, fuller with but lovely natural mids- probably not as good as silver streak.

The nordost blue heaven are good, fast, detailed a bit lean maybe not as smooth as the silver streak and can be a bit bright on the wrong system. One cable I do like is siltech (not sure what model) - it has an open airy quality with tight punchy bass and not as lean as the Nordost . I have been told the london, paris and new york models are meant to be good. Not sure if you can buy them in the UK.




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