OK, so this box is getting on a bit but until recently it was functioning perfectly well. However, since the last countrywide retune exercise it's been playing up. It's been unresponsive to the remote, it's been recording a 1000 minutes of telly when the problem was only 30 minutes long, it's been locking up, etc, etc, etc.
I've been contemplating buying a new one but it seems others are having the same issues, pointing to a generic problem with the model rather than an isolated issue with mine. There is an Over The Air software update scheduled for any day now (but don't hold your breath) and a beta version is available online. However, it seems there are one or two things you can do to help in the meantime.
1) Format the HDD. This was easy for me as it didn't hold anything I wanted to keep. If you do have stuff on it you want to keep, you're going to have to take the HDD out and use some software to transfer it onto your PC, format the drive and then drop the files back on. Take a look at hummy.org for details.
2) Reset to default. Turn off the hummy (switch at the back) and pull out the aerial. Switch the unit back on and then go into the installation menu and select option 4 "Default Settings". The unit cycles a couple of time and then states that no signal is available. Turn the hummy off at the back.
3) Retune channels. Plug the aerial back in and turn on the unit. Do an automatic search. When it has found the channels, go though and select the ones you never watch eg Gay Rabbit, etc and delete them before clicking save. This limits the number of channels in the EPG and, therefore, the time it takes to download the EPG data.
These steps seem to have restored the good behaviour of the 9200T. If it starts playing up again, I'll report back.
I've been contemplating buying a new one but it seems others are having the same issues, pointing to a generic problem with the model rather than an isolated issue with mine. There is an Over The Air software update scheduled for any day now (but don't hold your breath) and a beta version is available online. However, it seems there are one or two things you can do to help in the meantime.
1) Format the HDD. This was easy for me as it didn't hold anything I wanted to keep. If you do have stuff on it you want to keep, you're going to have to take the HDD out and use some software to transfer it onto your PC, format the drive and then drop the files back on. Take a look at hummy.org for details.
2) Reset to default. Turn off the hummy (switch at the back) and pull out the aerial. Switch the unit back on and then go into the installation menu and select option 4 "Default Settings". The unit cycles a couple of time and then states that no signal is available. Turn the hummy off at the back.
3) Retune channels. Plug the aerial back in and turn on the unit. Do an automatic search. When it has found the channels, go though and select the ones you never watch eg Gay Rabbit, etc and delete them before clicking save. This limits the number of channels in the EPG and, therefore, the time it takes to download the EPG data.
These steps seem to have restored the good behaviour of the 9200T. If it starts playing up again, I'll report back.