no real reason to make things "personal" that can I see and I can see without glasses thanks to the wonders of laser surgery. As for tests well bit of a lies damned lies and statistics situation there I'd say.
We all to some extent interpret tests in a way which suits us or the argument we're trying to promote. No matter I'm sure whatever solution the OP decides on if he enjoys his music he'll be happy whatever the science behind it.
Oh and almost forgot I wasn't per se discussing the pro's and con's of DAC's simply trying to point out as gently (or so I thought) as possible that USB as a means of getting a digital signal out of a PC isn't necessarily a bad choice nor is optical necessarily the best many will argue that when it comes to SPDIF co-axial over optical wins in most situations.
Well as I've decided this is to be my last post happy listening toodle pip.
We all to some extent interpret tests in a way which suits us or the argument we're trying to promote. No matter I'm sure whatever solution the OP decides on if he enjoys his music he'll be happy whatever the science behind it.
Oh and almost forgot I wasn't per se discussing the pro's and con's of DAC's simply trying to point out as gently (or so I thought) as possible that USB as a means of getting a digital signal out of a PC isn't necessarily a bad choice nor is optical necessarily the best many will argue that when it comes to SPDIF co-axial over optical wins in most situations.
Well as I've decided this is to be my last post happy listening toodle pip.