How to choose the right AV Amp And Speaker Combination


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I amlooking buying one of the following amplifiers and speakers.

Pioneer SC-LX81 £1500.00

Onkyo TX-NR905£1400.00

KEF KHT3005SE£1000.00

My issue isthatI am worried about the power ratings on these devices.

Bothamplifiers have speaker outputs of 190-220 Watts whilst the speakers say theyonly accept 100watts.

I amworried if I buy either of these combinations that someone in my house might turnthe volume up to loud and abuse the speakers and blow them up.  Is this something to worry about and arethese a good combination of equipment to use.

I don’t havethe capacity to have large spears in my living room.
im also dont know whats better between the pioneer and the onkyo

so plz gus tell us whats betterÿ

imÿinstallingÿwith in the month
I would go with the Pioneer, because I feel that its internal amplification (which is Bang & Olufsen's ICEPower Class D modules) will be superior to Onkyo's internal amplification. The 905 Onkyo has more features, which most people will never use. If you are after an amplifier with more sonic prowess, I would say the Pioneer, but if you need an amplifier that has got all the 'bells and whistles' but still sounds good, the Onkyo is the way to go. If it were my money, though, I would say the Pioneer.

In the case of those KEF loudspeakers, they are good in their own right, but probably not the best match with this level of A/V Receiver. Generally, with this level of amplification, you would be purchasing a 'box' type loudspeaker package. I would say that with either the Pioneer or Onkyo 905, I would recommend something like a B&W 685 package.

Don't worry too much about power ratings. It is easier to damage loudspeakers if they are UNDER-powered. At moderate volume levels, amplifiers don't generally have to pump out more than 50 genuine Watts to power loudspeakers. It's only generally at frequency extremes, and at loud volume levels, that amplifiers will pump out (and even then, for short durations) a lot of power. Most well-designed loudspeakers can - for short durations - cope with 2 or 3 times their maximum power out-put claims.
A boxed speaker package will sound so much better playing music, it will blow you away!
With the quality of AV amp you are thinking of I would point you in the direction of the Monitor Audio RS6 AV package.
The rears sit up close to the ceiling on the back wall, well out of the way, with the front RS6's not taking up a lot of room either.

You need to sit down and audition, and let your ears guide you I think.
If you can live with silver colour richer sounds have the Onkyo 905 for £800. That would leave you a bit of extra cash for better speakers.


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