How do you pronounce teac?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
Is it Te-Ac or Teak? Apologies for my ignorance.... Also NAD. Is it nad or N.A.D...? Also, should I get out more and stop worrying about such things...?
hehehe, I don't know if I'm correct but I've always said Te-ac and NAD one word
y'see , that was why I asked about Nad/NAD... I remember that it was an acronym, but it's a bit like ass-app (ASAP) in that it has merged into vocabularies...

But no one has decided whether I should get out more yet...
After investing in all that kit you'd wanna be staying in to enjoy it. If you get out more you have to contend with lossy formats 😉
[quote user="JoelSim"]ProAcs (Prokes)[/quote]

oooo no no no that's definitely Pro (pause) Ack. I mean they even put a capital in the middle to help you out.
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]

Carmina, Burana, Burana, Carmina, Let's call the whole thing Orff



No one's mentioned the wonderfully named T+A yet.
Did you know you an stop clare posting on a thread instantly.......just call her a babe......she hates it 🙂
[quote user="Clare Newsome"]
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]

Carmina, Burana, Burana, Carmina, Let's call the whole thing Orff



No one's mentioned the wonderfully named T+A yet.


Thee und Aaa.
WhatIsThisTrendToLoseSpacesBetweenTwoWordsAndCapitaliseTheSecond? IBlameTheInterWeb. ImagineWritingTheMagazineInThisFashion.

SMS texting shouldn't be blamed; that's a new language entirely. I saw an e-mail message my teenage daughter had written to her friend and I didn't understand one word!

Oh, TEAC I pronounce Esoteric. 😉

Is Porsche, porsh or porsha?
[quote user="gpi"]WhatIsThisTrendToLoseSpacesBetweenTwoWordsAndCapitaliseTheSecond?[/quote]

That's what's called in subbing parlance 'an intercap'... or CamelCase as others would have it.....
[quote user="Clare Newsome"]
[quote user="gpi"]WhatIsThisTrendToLoseSpacesBetweenTwoWordsAndCapitaliseTheSecond?[/quote]

That's what's called in subbing parlance 'an intercap'... or CamelCase as others would have it.....

And so it comes round to camels again.
I like 'NerdCaps', 'BumpyCaps' and 'HumpBackNotation' in the Wiki entry. Of course the Scots have been at it for ages, e.g. 'MacLean'.


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