How do I connect my Panasonic 3d TV to DVD player, Blue Ray Player and to an Amplifer?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Greetings all,

I am trying to get my head round all the connections, cables etc that I need.

The Kit

I have (I will do when I collect them) the following pieces of kit:
  • Panasonic TV - PX42GT20B
  • Panasonic Blue Ray Player - BDT100
  • Sony DVD Player - RDR HXD870
  • Marantz Amplifer - PM6003
  • ipod
  • laptop

My Hypothesis

My hypothesis is to connect :
  • the TV to the Blue Ray Player with HDMI cable 'Wirewolrd Chroma 6' (winner of >£50 HDMI cable award);
  • the TV to the Sony DVD Player with HDMI cable 'QED Profile HDMI' (winner of <£50 HDMI cable award);
  • the Blue Ray Player to the Marantz with Digital Optical cable but unsure which one;
  • the Sony DVD to the Marantz with Digital Optical Cable but unsure which one;
  • the IPOD to the Marantz via a cable into the left & right (red and white);
  • the laptop to the TV with HDMI cable 'QED Profile HDMI' (winner of <£50 HDMI cable award);

The Marantz amp does not have an HDMI connection.

The Aim

The aim is to play CD's through the Blue Ray Player or DVD player to produce sound out of the speakers connected to the Marantz amp. ie I do not need the TV on to do this.

Get top quality sound through the speakers from both a CD in the DVD or Blue Ray Player or the IPOD.

When I watch TV, a Blue Ray, a DVD or watch something I recorded earlier, I can listen to the sound through the speakers connected to the marantz.

If I do not have the Marantz turned on, I aim to listen to the TV, a blue ray, a DVD or watch something I recorded earlier through the TV's own speakers.

The Question

Can you please advise if my hypothesis is correct, or not?

If I am incorrect, please could I have some advice.

Thanking you kindly in advance.

Happy Driver
The Marantz doesn't have any digital to analogue conversion, so no digital inputs: as a result, you'll need to connect your Blu-ray player and DVD recorder to it using stereo analogue cabling.

Otherwise all fine - assuming the laptop has an HDMI output - but if you want to run the laptop through the amplifier you'll also need a stereo analogue interconnect between that and the Marantz.
Mr Everard,

Thank you so much for such a speedy response.

Come the weekend, I will be installing the hardware and applying the hypothesis.

With Many Thanks

Happy Driver


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