It is the journey of discovery I have enjoyed. Being exposed to valve technology as a Teenager and noticing the difference between Cassette (hiss), Vinyl (warmth) and the clinical of delivery, CD. Good and bad decisions on my purchase of Hifi equipment - looking for that sound with what I could afford within my budget, where cables really came into their own to allow that final tweaking. As ever it is a generation thing we enjoyed the discovery of CD and the revelation it had on Hifi Equipment. Picture quality from VHS/Betamax that was surpassed by Laservision. DVD was the next best format that had a good impact on the Home cinema front, and now my son is brought up on ipod/mobile phone with HD/Blu Ray on Game consoles and TV. Now reduced to a mini hifi from Panasonic the sonics are still pleasing, probably becaused the speakers are bi-wired, but I look forward to picking out some seperates again and continuing that journey............