Home Cinema (AV) Amp that also has the sound quality of a Hifi (Stereo) Amp?


New member
May 22, 2009
Does such an amp exist?

Reading specifications, there seem to be ever more connections and features on AV amps, with stereo amps seemingly with spec sheets similar to what they were in the 1980s.

Does all the simplicity of stereo amps really translate into better sound, or are the platforms the poor cousins of AV amps where the larger market leads to greater research focus, innovation and improvement?
Virtually all multichannel AV amps/receivers are compromised to some extend when it comes to stereo performance, unless you go for something quite exceptional such as Arcam's AVR600.
Thanks, at 3,500 pounds that's a high jump from the likes of the Roksan Candy!

Living in an area not served by high-end hifi stores, one hard hurdle to jump is what are absolute differences in quality between say a 300 pounds amp, a 1000 pounds amp or a 3000 pound amp, all with 5 stars?

Obviously the sales people indicate that quality goes with price but the ratio of price/quality is much harder to track.

Locally, the high end of the market seems driven by accessorizing multi million dollar homes with the top of the line in everything, rather than real audiophiles making choices based on price/quality.

As in cars, the Top Gear line of thought -- just buy the Aston Martin, is entertaining but hard to justify on a family budget!