johngw said:
lindsayt said:
It's a big fat marketing half truth to state that the 16 bit CD format has a dynamic range of 96ds, because it doesn't have a usable dynamic range of 96dbs.
Distortion in the CD format increases as the recording level decreases. By the time you get to 50, 60, 70 dbs below maximum recording level you start getting increasingly noticeable distortion, especially at higher frequencies.
Try it. Make a recording of a professionally played solo grand piano where the recording level ranges between -95dbs and -65dbs below maximum possible, using the CD format, and at the same time, make a recording onto 2 track 1/4" tape running at 15ips at -30 to -0dbs and then compare them using class A amplification and good speakers to see which sounds more like a real piano.
If CD format really did have a usable dynamic range of 96dbs it would sound at least as realistic as the tape recording.
Perhaps you care to explain why you think this may be the case. And no, I don't have the equipment nor the grand piano nor the professional to play it at hand to do the actual experiment as you suggest.
Here's a decent reference by the way for those who genuinely want to understand the engineering background to all this.
The big problem I have with the source you're quoted comes in the first paragraph of chapter 3:
"The definition of proper sampling is quite simple. Suppose you sample a continuous signal in some manner. If you can exactly reconstruct the analog signal from the samples, you must have done the sampling properly"
A piano does not produce a continuos signal. It produces signals with transients, decay, that are not at a single steady frequency, but which has a fundamental frequency with harmonics overlaid on that frequency. It's a complex signal. Not the simple one discussed by your reference.
Also, think about it the decibel range for a moment. In terms of wattage power it's logarithmic. 16 bit gives you 65,536 different possible values for representing the power at any particular sample moment. If you spread that out over 96dbs you're bound to get a coarsening of the sample at one end of the power range.
The decibel scale is mind boggling.
If 0 db's = 1 watt
-10 dbs = 1/10th watt
-20 dbs = 1/100th watt
-30 dbs = 1/1000th watt
-40 dbs = 1 ten thousandth of a watt
-50 dbs = 1 one hundred thousandth of a watt
-60 dbs = one milionth of a watt
-70 dbs = one ten millionth of a watt
-80 dbs = one hundredth millionth of a watt
-90 dbs - one billionth of a watt
-96 dbs = quarter of a billionth of a watt
Now can anyone explain to me how our 16 bit sample, giving us 65,536 different possible values can capture our logarithmic power scale ranging from one quarter of a billionth to one without a lot of coarsening at one end of the scale?
A 32 bit sample would be better as this can represent 4.29 billion different values.