TS:This may be a dumb question but, can I get the same sound quality from a Blu-ray player as I would out of a good CD player?
The sound depends on one thing: The digital to analogue convertion (DAC).
If you use digital output, all players will sound exactly the same -- the sound of the DAC you use (whether it is a stand-alone model, or it's built into an amp or receiver).
If you use the analogue outputs on the players, chances are an expensive CD player will have a better DAC than a cheap Blu-ray player -- and thus better sound. More expensive BD players have good DACs though -- making DACs are not a black art, and the components are relatively inexpensive.
Not necessarily. Remember the transport has to read the data accurately off the disc, and stream it into the DAC, doesnt get much time to check and correct any errors. This is why Cyrus CD players have been trumpeting their servo evolution technology. The flappy transport on my Sony 370 Blu ray player is not even in the same stadium as the one in the Cyrus, so no matter how good the DAC it's not going to correct any errors. This was the point in my post earlier - in theory the higher sampling rate of DVD audio should improve sound quality, but pointless if the streaming data is full of holes.