High Output Moving Coil upto £400


Nov 13, 2020
Hi All

Can someone please give me some recommendations on a High Output MC cartridge please. Upto £400 I'm currently running an Ortofon 2m Bronze. And want to try a MC cartridge. Set up is as follows.
Rega P3 with Origin Live internal and External Rewire and Structural Modification
Rega Neo TTPSU
Rega Fono MK3
Chord Clearway Interconnects
Nail Nail 5si
QED micro speaker cable
Wharfedale Evo 4.2

I've owned everything Rega MM cartridge and thought they sounded crap. Nag 110 didn't like and like the 2m Blue and Bronze
Never had an MC, always been happy with MM/MI. I'm sure Al will be along soon to say cheap MC's aren't worth the cash... he's generally right regarding MC's. Your money so your choice I guess.
2M bronze overkill for a P3 , Save up/trade in for a P6 & swap cartridge
if you want high output stick with MM , HOMC are a bit pointless
MC only make sense in low output versions with a ,MC phono stage
2M bronze overkill for a P3 , Save up/trade in for a P6 & swap cartridge
if you want high output stick with MM , HOMC are a bit pointless
MC only make sense in low output versions with a ,MC phono stage
My opinion also, totally uneconomic, but I am curious as to why OP wants one.
If it is simply curiosity and the fact his Phono stage will only handle hi-output type then I think his curiosity could work out to be an expensive mistake.
In my opinion he's going to be better off upgrade his phono preamp as, in my opinion, the P3 is capable of taking a significant cartridge upgrade but he isn't going to get the benefit of that through that phono preamp.
Also, sticking with cartridges, he better off looking for a Goldring 1042 and sticking with moving magnet.
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The OP doesn't like Rega, Nags but likes Ortofon Blue and Bronze, so I'm struggling to see why the OP wants to try a MC? Either stick with Ortofon Bronze or could there be something wrong with the Synergy of his system? If so no cartridge, however expensive, will fix it.

My first gut instinct would be a better Rega table or something different, such as Pro-ject, Thorens or perhaps Roksan.
The OP doesn't like Rega, Nags but likes Ortofon Blue and Bronze, so I'm struggling to see why the OP wants to try a MC? Either stick with Ortofon Bronze or could there be something wrong with the Synergy of his system? If so no cartridge, however expensive, will fix it.

My first gut instinct would be a better Rega table or something different, such as Pro-ject, Thorens or perhaps Roksan.
My thinking is its the phono preamp.......
Thought you said the Bronze was overkill for his turntable 🙂 Personally, I prefer the Bronze to the Black... though eventually I moved to Nagaoka.
The Blacks are hyper analytical and many do indeed prefer the Bronze however that's not really the issue here I feel.
Daytona600 is suggesting he replaces the stylus only, which I personally wouldn't do.
However, I still wouldn't consider a HOMC as a replacement
2M Black has a reputation as hyper analtytical only if incorrect loading on phono stage & correct azimuth/VTF
used on a mid/hiend turntable/arm they sound superb on a budget design waste of money
use one 30/40hours per week & on my 4th Fitted to SL1200G


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