High Gloss Wood Finish...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
Not to rant, but does anybody like a high gloss finish over the wood veneer on speakers? I personally hate it. In fact, I dislike it so much, it's actually a deal breaker regardless of the speakers SQ.

For example:

I think it would go nice with the glow of those tubes. Alternatively listen with the lights off, after all you don't watch music through the speakers.
Love it, esp on my Spendors. Looks classy and expensive but can vary between woods and speakers a lot. Those ones you've posted are just bulbous
I hate it to be honest,i like wood to look like,well er wood . Had no option with my speakers which was a shame as ive got maccassar veneers which au natural is gorgeous but the 8 zillion layers of laquer spoil it,a rub over with danish oil would have looked better. That said they are damn fine speakers,cant have it all i guess.
Agree those do look like the dash off the Nissan 200sx I used to drive.... not good.

I'd like a pair of gloss white speakers to go with the rest of my minimalist, cold, austere.....errr, hold on !!
georgejack: Gloss black can look ok although I'm not really a fan of the ones pictured, what are they? look like they're made from reminents of an old Jag dash board.

Those are KEF XQ20s. But I could easily post many other brands that have a similar look.
But you must admit it works sometimes Jax. Like the Scm 50s anniverary edition in yew and piano gloss laquer

Sonus Faber Amati ------- mmmm sex on legs .... well spikes then!! and SHINY !
These finishes need to be dusted/polished much more frequently because even a tiny amount of dust is more visible on a dark, glossy surface. So - given most people's feelings about others touching their hifi - that means by you.

I find these are good (recommended by my local branch of Audio-T)...


Get the 'plain' ones and not Lemon and keep one just for the hifi. Throw away when it starts looking a little grey.
I use a similar thing chebby,case of having to living in china clay country,its a nightmare i tell ya. They work a treat mind.
Note to self to tell Bosendorfer that piano black is out.

I think you'll find that producing a gloss finish is an awful lot more expensive than 'exotic wood veneers', a pair of SA1s-worth of which can be had here for about 15 quid.
I really don't like it.

Quite like the sound of some Quad speakers but wouldn't buy them due to the finish.
JohnDuncan:Note to self to tell Bosendorfer that piano black is out.I think you'll find that producing a gloss finish is an awful lot more expensive than 'exotic wood veneers', a pair of SA1s-worth of which can be had here for about 15 quid.

Maybe, but I never suggest gloss paper to a client, always silk or matt, much nicer.

A matt piano isn't right though