HiFi for £200 - £300 suggestions


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hey, I'm looking for a bit of advice on a new system for my setup, hope you lot can help me.

Basically all I want is some awesome speakers for my PC and PS3, I'm currently running a cheap 5.1 system and would really like to upgrade to most likely a 2.1 system. I pretty much don't know where to start, I'd like to get a new amplifier along with the speakers, so I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on a good system for a reasonable price, thing is I'm on a pretty tight budget, only looking to spend around £200... perhaps a bit more, ideally not.

I've been considering getting some active monitors, for the PC and PS3, but not sure if that's a good idea? Anyone... what'dya you lot recommend? Thanks in advance, Sean.
how are you using your ps3 / PC? If you have your ps3 to your tv then download ps3 media server & use your ps3 to listen to music, watch movies & look at files of music/photos & vids from your pc (obviously over your home network. Then get an amp or better still an AV amp & then your speakers either 5.1 or 7.1 depending on the amps capabilities.....

PC - i personally have the Harman Kardon Soundsticks (2.1) & they are just great, very clear, go pretty loud with a good sub for the bass that is also volume adjustable.....

My pc is upstairs, my tv/ps3 is downstairs & all networked so i can put pc on, & then go downstairs, put ps3 on & scroll through my vids/music/photos which are on my pc to view/listen on my system.

Hope thats some help for you...?
Well it's not so much how to connect them and run my system, it's more what speakers are good for my price range and what amp I would need. Since my PC & PS3 are next to each other I don't really want to listen to my audio over a network, as it's unecessary, I'd much rather run it through a device.

I have been considering getting some Active Monitors for the PC, but since I'm most likely only going to be listening to music and not producing it I don't really know if it's a good idea or not? I also own some DJ turntables and would possibly use them for them.

So far I have been looking at the following:

Alesis M1A-520-USB

Cakewalk MA15D

I understand I wouldn't need an amp with these, which is useful, but i'm not sure if it would be a sensible choice?

As for non-active speakers (going to need to buy an Amp too):

Gale Gold Monitor MK2

Monitor Audio BR1

Q-Acoustics 1020i

As for an Amp/Reciever if I go with the non-active speakers I aint got a clue..
Alright, so far I have mainly been considering getting either the Alesis M1A-520-USB, Monitor Audio BR1 (Possibly BR2, if worth the extra £50?) or the Cakewalk MA15D.

The Cakewalk's because I can run my PS3 through them via Optical and my PC through them via the Coaxial.

Not sure how I could run my PS3 through the Alesis, although the PC is plain easy USB.

As for the Monitor Audio BR1 maybe BR2s, I'd need one of the cheapest but sufficient amps available...

Any other suggestions? Thanks...
Personally I would get a Beresford TC7510 MKIII Dac, And get second hand speakers and amp i.e. Arcam Alpha 7,8 or 9 and Pair of Mordaunt Short 20i Pearls, Tannoy F1's etc. Getting these second will ensure you have well exceeded the expecations of a 200 - 300 budget without blowing it. Atleast with this setup you have flexibility and the DAC will play a vital part if you get a CD Player. However be warned the Arcam amps tend to have problems wih the selector switch so in that case Maybe get a Kenwod KA3020SE which is fun exciting amp. Bargains are to be had second hand.

Hey, I'm looking for a bit of advice on a new system for my setup, hope you lot can help me.

I'd like to get a new amplifier along with the speakers, so I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on a good system for a reasonable price, thing is I'm on a pretty tight budget, only looking to spend around £200... perhaps a bit more, ideally not.

lots of options on the used market ... a Pioneer A-400 amp with a pair of old mission speakers could be an option for approx £200

or ... a brand new pair of M-Audio Studiophile AV40 active desktop speakers for less than £90 can be used ... connected to a pc/laptop, and spotify
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I think I'm most likely going to go for some active monitors out of convenience and the fact that I can't really find a system within my budget. I do have my 5.1 systems Sub/Amp which I could temporarily use before purchasing a new amp though.

I'm just wondering what would be the best choice? Getting active monitors, or buying some £100 - £200 speakers before buying a new amp for around £100 - £150, when I can save up enough?

I really like the look of the Alesis M1 520s, but how would I be able to run my PS3 through them? I could run them through my TV using 1/4" Jacks to RCA right?

I'm also really tempted by the Cakewalk's as I can run my PS3 through the optical connection and my PC through the coaxial connection.


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