Hi-Fi stands - Placement of seperates


New member
Sep 6, 2007
Where do you have your seperates on your rack? I've currently got a 4 tier unit so the power amp is on the bottom, the integrated amp is on the next shelf above and the CDP is on the very top shelf. Do some people have their seperates the other way round (i.e. amps on top and CDP on the bottom etc...) If so, have you noticed any sound improvement or loss of quality? I've had my unit custom made. The smoked glass is from a fiend who works at a glass company (its tempered) and the chrome tubing by another friend who works at a major metals company. The unit is held together with tension rods to stop vibration and its on spiked feet through the carpet.
[quote user="d_a_n1979"]Where do you have your seperates on your rack?

I've currently got a 4 tier unit so the power amp is on the bottom, the integrated amp is on the next shelf above and the CDP is on the very top shelf.

Do some people have their seperates the other way round (i.e. amps on top and CDP on the bottom etc...) If so, have you noticed any sound improvement or loss of quality?

I've had my unit custom made. The smoked glass is from a fiend who works at a glass company (its tempered) and the chrome tubing by another friend who works at a major metals company. The unit is held together with tension rods to stop vibration and its on spiked feet through the carpet.[/quote]

I always work on the theory that the amp should be on top.
Well i just think that its the place where the amp is at its coolest, the heat can escape quicker than if there is a layer of glass/wood etc a few inches above foe example, its comon sense that the more free flow of air the quicker the heat will disapear.
I favour the amp at the bottom and cd on top but have never given this ant thought. I suppose maybe the weight of the amp at the bottom may provide some small level of extra stability but i doubt it matters. It occurs to me that when i had Quad 303s i could not have had them at the top as they would have interfered with the television picture!
Turntable on the top shelf............
I notice no difference to sound when I move kit up and down the shelves so i have cdp highest so i don't have to bend down to insert a cd into the tray
You should always put anything that spins nearer the top of the rack (eg CDP and turntable).

Air is thinner at altitude and will create less friction so the discs will spin at optimum speed.

If placed lower down the denser air will slow the music.

Works the opposite in Australia of course.
[quote user="heystak"]You should always put anything that spins nearer the top of the rack (eg CDP and turntable).

Air is thinner at altitude and will create less friction so the discs will spin at optimum speed.

If placed lower down the denser air will slow the music.

Works the opposite in Australia of course.[/quote]

And they spin the other way, of course. Which can be disconcerting with Led Zeppelin albums, or if you're Paul McCartney, for example.


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